Arthritis and such


Oct 13, 2010
So yesterday after I finished my run I was at the Barefoot Wine table trying to get them to give me some wine for having just run 7.5 barefoot miles.....this guy asks how old I was. I'm only 35, but he said that if I keep running BF, by the time I'm his age, 53, I'll have such bad arthitis in my 5 metatarsal that I probably won't be able to walk. I wasn't really interested in finding out how he knew this as he seemed very intently against BFR. Plus, I hadn't got any wine or a beer yet, and that was really my only reason for being in the beer garden.

Just curious what doctors say about this theory. I've read almost every online story about BFR and a few print books, so I consider myself pretty knowledgeable when it comes to proper and improper form.
Don't tell that to Ken Bob. 

Don't tell that to Ken Bob. He's like 56 or something and has been doing this for many, many years.

We're in the process of bringing this forum on line now, so give us a few days to finalize everything. Thanks! Hopefully the doc will see you...soon! Ha!
Jeepmonkey, Your wine


Your wine tender should stay behind the bar. For one, barefoot societies have much less arthritis than western culture where joint replacements are off the charts and rising fast. A joint moving in normal function is protected by activity.

What we do know to be associated with osteoarthritis is inactivity, obesity, and high impact type of sports.

My story, had bad arthritis in both large toe joints dx’d in 2000. Had surgery on both of them. Was told not to run...that it was bad for me. Learned better running form and got rid of bulky shoes. Now run exclusively barefoot and mimimal with the sharper textures. I have more motion now in my toes as the barefoot allows proper dorsiflexion of the toes to place the foot back in correct stable takeoff position.

So keep running...the wine is good for you too.

Dr. Mark