Anyone else running Tough Mudder PA this weekend?

I've run 2 of the races put on by Pretzel City, the Dirty Bird back on Thanksgiving and the Ugly Mudder at the end of February. Both were a hoot and great runs for me. I'm not sure what course he's set up for your Ugly Mudder, but I'll bet it will be a challenge. I wore my VFF's for both races and was glad I had them - the rocks were kinda wicked, and I just would have had to slow down way too much to traverse them. Even the VFF's elicited some "Wow! Hard core!sort of comments from the regularly shod.

I just ran the St. Lukes 1/2 Marathon in Allentown yesterday and don't feel like a trail race would make much sense at this point. I will be with you in spirit, though.

Be sure to post your results.
Finished the Tough Mudder in Pocono Manor PA Sunday and had a great time. I wore My Vff's and needed them. The shoes were defenetly a tool that day as the trails were just 20ft wide ribboned off sections up and down the mountians straight through the woods with no path. We swam thru ice water, ran thru fire, scaled walls, crawled thru mud under barbed wire, and crawled thru water while being electrocuted. The course was 12 1/2 miles total. The VFFs helped me fly down the hills with out rolling my ankles like the runners in shoes and my toes gripped the climbing obstacles well. I wore the Vibram Bikila LS they also drained the water very well. It was a crazy weekend but well worth it.
There's a little one at Washington's Crossing, NJ this weekend with a 5K. Not my cup of tea, but a woman from my bank's taking part. She's pretty cool and I wished her well. Good on you for the long one! 12 plus miles of trail run with diverting obstacles sounds challenging. I like my VFF's for such things, too. Charging through muck and water and flying down gnarly hills is not my idea of fun BF or shod in coffins.

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