Anyone else from Mexico?


Chapter Presidents
Oct 7, 2010
Although very unlikely, I have to ask; Anyone else here from Mexico?

I joined the Texas chapter for now, but I applied to be organizer for a Mexico chapter. I was wondering if other people ended up joining chapters that arent their region or country for the same reason.
I have received your request,

I have received your request, and I will be replying to it shortly. Thanks for that. We allow each member to join up to four chapters anywhere in the world.
And welcome, Lorena!

And welcome, Lorena!
Thanks, TJ! and good to know!

Thanks, TJ! and good to know!
Thank you, Phil! Getting to

Thank you, Phil! Getting to know people in the border cities of Texas will come in handy for me. Monterrey, where I am, is a bit further southeast from El Paso. But I hope to make a trip to Austin next year, where I have a friend with a couch, for a barefoot meetup.
Hola Lorena! como estas? yo

Hola Lorena! como estas? yo soy de Mexico(Tepic, Nayarit) pero vivo en Iowa.

Tu corres descalza tambien?

Sí! y gracias, estoy

Sí! y gracias, estoy encantada con esta comunidad! Estaremos en contacto! *viva mexico!!*


Yes, I run barefoot too! and thanks for the welcome, Im very happy with this community! We´ll be in touch! *viva mexico!!*
LorenaG wrote:Sí! y gracias,

LorenaG said:
Sí! y gracias, estoy encantada con esta comunidad! Estaremos en contacto! *viva mexico!!*


Yes, I run barefoot too! and thanks for the welcome, Im very happy with this community! We´ll be in touch! *viva mexico!!*

How long have you being running BF?

Did you grow up running BF like me?
My two years of Spanish in

My two years of Spanish in 9'th & 10'th grade finaly paid off. I understood it all even w/o the translations!
Neither my German nor my

Neither my German nor my Spanish has helped me out here in the last few days. I remember how to say The post office is around the corner in German, and that's about it. Hee. I love Google Translator!
Ive been running exclusively

Ive been running exclusively barefoot since august of this year, I WISH I had grown up going barefoot! Cool for you!

By the way, Barefoot TJ jas set up a a Mexico chapter forum, Im writing in english here because its in the main forum, but over there we´d probably be doing this all in spanish, hee hee
If you guys like trying out

If you guys like trying out your spanish you should head over to my blog where I write (almost) every post in english then spanish. Word of caution though, they are not quite literally translated, they don´t always match up EXACTLY.

Ich will Deutsch sprechen! Maybe on day I´ll learn it.
Ha, thanks for the warning! 

Ha, thanks for the warning! :bigsmile:
Unless you're going to

Unless you're going to confine yourself to Germany/Austria/Switzerland, Espanol is FAR more helpful and useful. I love the German language, and it was very helpful when we lived in Germany for 3 years (and travel now occasionally); but it's not terribly helpful in the Americas. My 15-year-old is learning Spanish, and I'd like to learn some myself. But German is a fun language to learn and to speak. I mean, what's not fun about Porsches, Mercedes, BMWs, castles and fried pork?
Hola Lorena! Acabo de

Hola Lorena! Acabo de inscribirme al capítulo México yo también. Hace unas semanas tenía la intención de abrir el capítulo México, pero como vi que todavía no los soportaban (los capítulos internacionales), preferí dar algo de tiempo y esperar. Fue una grata sorpresa entrar de nuevo al sitio hoy y ver que tú ya creaste uno! Felicidades por ser nuestra fundadora, jeje.

Yo vivo en Hermosillo, Sonora. Corro descalzo desde Sep/2010, después de interesarme en el tema al leer "Born to Run" (como otro miles al parecer). Me encanta correr así, todavía no veo a nadie más haciéndolo localmente, y por la cantidad de miembros del capítulo me imagino que llevará su tiempo el que "transmitamos" el mensaje a más personas y que se convenzan como nosotros de sus grandes ventajas.

Bueno, un saludo afectuoso desde estas calientes tierras, espero sigamos viéndonos por acá en adelante.

By the way, thanks TJ for opening the oportunity of having these international chapters, and to all the users for creating and supporting this great community. See you all around!
You're welcome, JL.  Glad

You're welcome, JL. Glad you're here.
my padres son de Mexico. los

my padres son de Mexico. los dos del norte. fui a Hermasillo creo que dos veces y recuerdo muy bien que los ninos que vivien al rediador de mi tia andaban corriendo dezcalzo en la calle cuando habia unas piedritas grandes. y andaban corriendo como si fuera nada. los chavos burlaren de mi porque soy gavacho y llevaba tenis. me sentia culpable y los quite para correr con ellos.

mi padre vive en Tecate ahora. le visito cada ano pero casi nunca viajamos a ustedes ciudades. les aviso el proximo vex que viajo para verlo.

