Any of you have this happen...


Jun 23, 2013
Sorry for the long note, but i thought this easiest to lay out with a timeline...

5pm today - neck and shoulders have been hurting since the summer...still hurting.

Past seven days - I'm an avid cyclist...though I've taken a break from cycling. Been to the physiotherapist and for massage. Took a break from yoga and swimming. Did some walking. No relief in past week.

Past month - trying to figure out why my neck and shoulders are still sore. Had vacation and didn't ride. Wasn't at my desk at work. Wasn't on my own bed. What could it be?

Past 2.5 yrs - took up BF running. Was new to running, had shin splints, tried BF. Bought minimal shoes for work, casual, etc. No issues at all, but did have reoccurring pain (minor) on inside of right ankle when running, so I've taken many breaks from running. Always felt fine walking with minimal shoes. Around the house I'm BF or 3mm xero shoes.

Mid Summer (just made this connection in the last two hours) - I decided I wanted to try and run again, and this time I would use traditional shoes. This has been going well...up to 30 min on trails. At the same time, I started converting my footwear back to traditional shoes. I bought new shoes for mid July. Hmm. On vacation in late August I brought only my heavy La Sportiva hikers, 14mm drop and lots of stack height. I always thought this neck and shoulder pained stemmed from cycling, but I didn't do anything different with cycling though. In the past month I bought new winter runners. Added those to the shod quiver.

You can tell where I'm going with this...can it be the bulky, big drop shoes that are causing the neck and shoulder issues? Still have to sort this out. But I would love to hear if anyone has had a similar experience in their footwear journey.

Thanks for reading!
It does seem timely that the purchase of new shoes with bulky heels and the start of your pain coincide.

I wonder if you have a pinched nerve in your neck or somewhere.
Do you heel strike in the traditional shoes? If so that could be a large contributor. I used to have the same issue with the shoulder/neck thing. Had it for years. Just a nagging ache that would get a little worse and then a little better but never went completely away. It would move from right to left and sometimes both sides would be aggravated at once. In my case (hind sight is always 20/20, right?) I think it was a combo of factors. It started with bad posture, a bad habit of popping my back/neck, and pushing myself too hard physically. It developed to locked vertebra in my thoracic spine and angry/tense muscles in my upper back and neck. I think the impact of heel striking aggravated it a lot! I could see how cycling would irritate that area too. A funny posture coupled with lots of neck/shoulder strain. The cycling may have not caused it, but once tweaked, the cycling may aggravate it. It took a long time to really correct my issue and I still have to be careful. Sometimes sleeping wrong will cause symptoms but now they only last about a day or two. I work(ed) hard on my posture, slowed down my running, and do gentle neck/upper back exercises several times per week. I also do stretches to improve the mobility of my neck and upper back. The issue now is maybe 5-10% of what it used to be, so I'm happy with that. Hell, sitting at this damn computer too long can aggravate things, lol, but I'm much better about that, too!
Barefoot TJ - it started as a pinched nerve, but the PT helped resolve that early on.

SI - it's like we're twins.
Maybe the PT didn't resolve it after all.

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