Any moms on the board?

I have only been running for

I have only been running for 8 years, so I picked up running after I had my first child.

What I understand is that as long as you have been performing whatever activity or sport for a very long time, you should be able to continue to do so through most of your pregnancy. Just make sure you are consistent with your prenatal visits and have an okay from your doctor to do so. Things like pregnancy induced high blood pressure/preeclampsia, etc., would and should stop you from running right away and either resolve it with bed rest or delivery.
I'm like a mom, but I'm a

I'm like a mom, but I'm a guy. Although I wasn't running a whole lot back when my wife was preggers, I could see how it would have effected my free time since I was waiting on her hand and foot every chance I got.

And I think the biggest problem you might have with running with a bun in the oven would be the last trimester, and the 10 years following....

Oh, and while were talking about pregnancy, why is it acceptable to tell a pregnant woman that she has a bun in the oven while shes pregnant, but once the kids comes out it's a big no no to tell her that your going to put her kids in an oven.... Doesn't add up to me.
 I ran during the first

I ran during the first trimester of my third pregnancy but then it got too hot here (we live in AZ) to run during the summer months so I stopped running until 4 weeks post partum (although 'run' is perhaps too generous a word for what those first few weeks post baby look liked).

With baby #1 and #2 I did not run during pregnacy and waited closer to 6-8 weeks post partum to resume running. I guess by #3 my sanity was more at stake hence the need to run more. :)

I am sure you heard about the lady who ran the Chicago marathon (Oct. '11) at like 39 weeks pregnant? She had the baby later that same night. Can you imagine doing a marathon and birthing all in a 24 hour period!?!
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I understand that running

I understand that running (and something else) in the last weeks can cause a woman to go into labor.
Hence the parenthesis. 

Hence the parenthesis. ;-)
Mandy, I'm sure you would

Mandy, I'm sure you would have no problem finding someone to give you some of their... Umm... "hormone" on Craigslist... Lol!

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