An Alternative to the Barefoot Running Coach Certification Idea

Great post, I personally

Great post, I personally believe that everybody can learn something new everyday. Once you have lost the desire to learn and gain knowledge from others (whether they be new to the subject at hand or not), you have no business teaching anymore.

Everybody has something to offer, and you should listen to all opinions and challenge people to think for themselves and not just conform to what one group thinks is acceptable. If that was the case, and free thinking was not allowed everybody would be still running in shoes, this great site would not exist, for that matter we would be still sitting in caves trying to start a fire (but at least we would be all barefoot).

The following quote struck me the most, and I was a very disappointed to read it:

"The fact that we’re moving toward a model that marginalizes the thoughts and opinions of the B-list group is bulls**t. Certification only reinforces the idea that some people are more qualified than others, which is clearly not the case. All of us, from the most well-known A-lister to the most obscure D-list blogger or forum participant to someone just starting the transition can provide valuable information to the community. Furthermore, several of the A-listers seemed to be the least likely to want to learn from others, which is the kiss of death for any teacher."

But in our society I see more and more of this, free thinking and sharing your ideas and learning from them are very important to the development of future generations.
I'm not for or against

I'm not for or against certification. On this subject, the jury is still out for me. I too believe that everyone, no matter how little experience they have, has something to offer, something to teach, but I can't imagine seeing myself attending a class taught by someone with little to no experience. Sure, they can contribute as a student who raises their hand in class to present an idea and pose a question, and that shouldn't be frowned upon. When the class is over and you are all alone, out there, running, it will be up to you to be your best teacher. You can take from others, but in the end, you will need to call upon yourself to get you to the finish line.

Throughout our lengthy conversation on this subject here at the BRS, I specifically stated that there should be a rating and review section for each person who adds themselves to the map. That is just another project I can't get to for another couple of months or so, but it's on my to-do list, it goes with the map.

On the topic of natural running versus barefoot running, I think you and I differ in opinion here a little, Jason. I happen to believe that the BEST way to learn to run naturally is with our natural feet. I've posted this before:

I think natural running and proper running are two different things.

There's honestly nothing natural about shoes of any kind. That's like saying my shirt is natural or my hat is natural. No, they are artificial; they are fabricated. Bare feet are natural.

Some people can acheive a "proper" (remember the words safe and healthy when reading the word "proper" here) running form in shoes, whether they be minimal or traditional, and/or without shoes. Likewise, some people can run barefoot and never acheive a proper form. The barefoot person may be running naturally, but if they don't have a proper form, they aren't running properly. Perhaps the label we should be moving toward is "Proper Running."

The average Joe's best chances at achieving this proper form is first by barefoot, then by minimal, and good luck with traditional, although it can be done (just not by the majority of us).

Overall, the best way for the "majority" of us to achieve a "natural and proper running form" is by running barefoot.

This is my opinion, and just like a student in a class, I should be allowed to express it and respected for speaking it. ;-)
BTW, Jason, over here at the

BTW, Jason, over here at the BRS, we had a couple of really long, but nice and cordial threads on this subject. Do you have any links to this firestorm you speak of? I'd hate to miss anything, you know. ;-)
I think I found the links

I think I found the links myself. Doesn't seem that hot of a debate there either. It's a debate, no doubt, but not a hot one, just a good one. I appreciate all points of view. Again, this concept is very open to me (I haven't closed my mind to either side of the debate) as I pointed out back in July when I started those two threads on this subject.
TJ- I agree that barefoot

TJ- I agree that barefoot running is the best way to learn good form for the majority of people. Unfortunately, not many outside our circles agree with us. ;-)

The idea of framing it as "natural running" is an attempt to bring together the groups that support the non-overstriding with a heel strike techniques. I like casting big nets.

The firestorm is mostly related to my personal conversations with individuals. Good points, both pros and cons, have been brought up. It's a good discussion to have since it shapes the future of what we're doing. Regardless of one's opinion, the very fact that we have barefoot running coach certifications springing up is a great sign that the ideas are spreading.
Unfortunately, not many

Unfortunately, not many outside our circles agree with us.

Not yet.
To paraphrase Trisha, it's a

To paraphrase Trisha, it's a way to conform the non-conformist.

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