1 month dieting and it sucks


Apr 27, 2011
I lost weight last year by simply running and counting my calories. At the end of the day, I aimed to come in 1,000 under my calorie budget with 1 cheat day a week and lost weight easily. Later I tried not eating meat until dinner, and that worked as well. I am trying to lose some weight before a race next month and started doing both of those things... Is there a such thing as meat withdrawl? 2 days in I'm pretty moody... Anyone else feeling the suck on a diet right now?
I've heard that protein can

I've heard that protein can make you feel fuller too, so a lack of it may make you have a harder time on a diet causing you to be more moody. Not sure if thats true or not, but I guess it is possible. I'm a big meat eater so I have withdrawals if I don't eat meat too. I just have to watch the kind of meat I eat and how much I eat. I've found I feel better if I eat small quantities nearly every meal instead of big quantities at one meal.
Definately add more protein

Definately add more protein like nuts!

I had the same thing happen to me last December when I lost 13+ pounds (I had lost 20 or so from Nov 2010 to March 2011). You have plateaued, which means your metabolism has adjusted. Binging & purging is also no the key - keep it consistent.
Go for the pulses like beans

Go for the pulses like beans and lentils. You can eat lots of them and feel full and not really hurt your weightloss plan. Meat can be really hard on you, esp if it's in the form of processed stuff like sausage or bacon.

Good lick!
I found nuts and apples help.

I found nuts and apples help. Two days in a row with about 1500 calories left on the table and I even got some beer in. So not bad. But I think I need to spread out my meals. I am getting pretty overly hungry around meal time.
Yeah!  That's good weight

Yeah! That's good weight loss, I think.
I am no expert but from what

I am no expert but from what I have read and what I have experienced is that protein drives production of dopamine in the brain and this neurotransmitter may keep us more focused and positive. It may also protect from muscle loss when combined with exercise when dieting. I go for egg white omelettes with veggies every morning and I am sharp and satisified for hours. The calories are low and the energy boost is great. Just my opinion.

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