Earthing: Legit Concept or Pseudoscience BS?

Only if there were some way of detecting and measuring "auras" and "earthing energy". But there isn't.

Because they don't exist.

Perhaps, but folks felt that way about radiation prior to 1895-ish, didn't they? (meaning, it was there all the time, just that no one was able to detect it)

I still think earthing is crap, mind you...
The faithful will find a way to measure them.
If not, maybe someone could find some gold tablets buried by the lost tribe to fill in the sketchy parts of the story and we can build a temple to exclude the unfaithful.
Perhaps, but folks felt that way about radiation prior to 1895-ish, didn't they? (meaning, it was there all the time, just that no one was able to detect it)

Well, yeah. And there might be soil fairies who help me pick up my bare feet. But in the absence of any evidence that they exist (or that auras exist), why posit them?

There was evidence for other sorts of radiation that could be measured, and when the evidence came to light (pun intended), it was easily accepted. There is nothing like that for auras (or soil fairies).
There is nothing like that for auras (or soil fairies).
Man that is cruel....dispelling the tales of soil fairies on the BRS forum is like telling a 4 year old theres not such thing as santa, or the easter bunny, or objective science....:(o_O
You can pick up free electrons, but you would actually have better luck with shoes on a wool carpet. Said free electrons will quickly be discharged into the first doorknob you touch. You are actually more grounded when you don't have shoes on, so you are likely losing more electrons going barefoot.

But perhaps the electrons take the bad spirits, which cause illness, with them when they leave. :)
You know? I don't think I even want to or should touch this one.
From the start being...Jason.
The shoe companies could get on board with this idea...make conductive rubber and midsoles, have a little lightning bolt symbol on the shoe so we know which models are even more barefoot. :D

Wow - I just got a nosebleed trying to wrap my mind around that one...
I have a science background; precludes me from entertaining silliness without plausibility. Not plausible, not really worth mulling over. No, really. Sorry, hippies. Love in my heart for you only goes so far.
Um, basically, any product that says that it is supposed to remove "toxins" is horsesh!t. There's no coherent class of substances that make up "toxins". Yes, there are toxic substances in our environment. Yes, we ingest and and inhale them. But for most of us in most cases, the normal defenses in our body (our liver, our kidneys, the mucociliary escalator, coughing, peeing and pooing) can get rid of them. If you've been poisoned by a SPECIFIC toxin, like, for example, lead, you need medical treatment that will SPECIFICALLY help your body rid itself of lead. Other "toxins" don't have the same chemistry and won't be removed from your body with that treatment. But even with poisonings, most of the treatments are supportive anyway. Your team tries to help your organs function while your body clears the "toxin" on its own. You cannot eat or use some magic product that is going to suck "toxins" out of your body.

This is a good, accessible piece about the lack of benefits and possible dangers of colon cleanses:

And, just for the record, I have no idea how those products that help you pass a drug test for marijuana work. Having watched a housemate use them back in college, though, I suspect the products are basically electrolytes that allow the user to drink massive amounts of water (and dilute the drug), while still maintaining yellow, salty urine.
BF at home, the toxins get pulled out of me by the brown ticks my cats drag in and drop (they're on flea tick control).
I use electrons for good and not evil. You should too.
Protons? Fire at will.
So if I take my shoes off I will collect electrons from the ground. I'll assume this is not some special property of the skin on my feet. The air is full of atoms with electrons too. The air is moving around more than the ground is, which equals more collisions, so more chances for electrons to get free. So the more skin I have exposed will increase my electron absorbing rate.

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I can see that conversation:

Cop: ...and just why are you naked, exactly?
You: Well, I'm absorbing all the free electrons in the air that are colliding with me...they have antioxidants and give me energy and--
Cop: --great. Why don't you put your hands behind your back and I'll attach these electron antennas to your wrists. Also, give me a sec so I can put a towel down in the back of the might be good with absorbing electrons through your skin, but you don't want to absorb what on the back seat through your junk...

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