Anyone else reading but not running?

Andy Tomlin

Oct 15, 2011
Newmarket, UK
I hurt my achilles weeks ago and I'm seriously busy at the moment so haven't been running much, but I'm still keeping up with the forums.

One the one hand, it's depressing reading about everyone running with no problems, but on the other hand it's inspiring me to keep up with my exercises so I can be fighting fit for the spring.

Just wanted to know if anyone else is injured or too busy to run at the moment but still hanging around here.
I'm not running, either. Unfortunately, I have been unable to run for some time due to a severe case of laziness, which I hope to overcome soon. When I was running a lot (for me, anyway) it really helped to stay active on this forum. It made me feel like I was somewhat accountable to the others, and was a good motivator to get out and run.

Here's hoping your achilles heals up quick.
Have you tried doing the calf drops on the bad leg, they usually shift tendon soreness in a few weeks. Find a step and use your hands to balance yourself. With heels over the edge so you just have your forefoot on the steps, lift yourself up onto your toes using your good leg then transfer your weight to the other leg then slowly come down. Just repeat that about 15 times and 3 times a day. Careful though as your calves will get sore. I found it never fails to get rid of any tendon soreness after a couple of weeks of doing them.

For a while I was running but not reading, then neither running nor reading. I'm back here now, hoping that it'll motivate me to start running again. It was a hard winter for me filled with stress, commitments and a nasty cough that lasted for over a month.
I have given up giving up on injuries and sickness and decided to run through them. I can't wait for the 70-80 degree weather to start this coming week - my body will become more supple.
Managed a quick 2km this morning. I began to feel the achilles twinge so I stopped before I put myself out for another week. Will try and do a couple of km a couple of days this week and get some time in the hotel pool too.

It was nice to get out for a run, especially in my ultra minimal original Zems, but I wanted to keep running for the whole day! It's glorious, warm sunshine here in Toronto; prefect running weather =(
Managed a quick 2km this morning. I began to feel the achilles twinge so I stopped before I put myself out for another week. =(

Sad to read you were wearing shoes...

Happy to hear you were smart enough to quit when you felt pain. That was the hardest lesson for me to learn.

Good job. Heal up and try again in a few days.

Sorry to hear that you are struggling with this injury. I have been very fortunate to run for almost 20yrs now quite competitively without having much down time at all due to overuse running injuries. However I have been sidelined for months for non running related injuries that took time to heal. I have always kept an attitude of positivity throughout those time s and hopefully will do the same if the situation shows itself in the future. It sounds like you are indeed keeping postive and that is great. I hope you are doing all the alternate treatments that are available to help this area of your body heal. I would also highly recommend spending this down time in evaluating your technique as that can be one of the main factors that will prevent this in the future and even allow for healing now as you run and test it. Good luck and if you are interested in talking about technique elements that you might adjust just let me know and I will offer my opinions as time permits.
I've been avoiding reading because it bums me out even more now that I can't run. Today I walked BF but the warm weekend weather brought out more than the usual numbers of runners and cyclists and I felt like I was in a scooter or something just walking along instead of getting a real workout.
Seeing the neurosurgeon tomorrow, hope he says running will solve my problem.
Yeah, right.
I have'nt been able to skate, cycle, or run for two months now, my pants are already too tight, and it sucks.
Jeeze Longboard. That must be killing you. I've been gone - what did you do to yourself? Or just point me in the direction of a previous thread - I probably shouldn't hijack this one.
Had a stiff neck in Jan, no big deal. But it got worse instead of better. Then my right arm went numb, could'nt figure that one out. When I lost strength in it I got an MRI. Severe nerve encroachment at the C5-C6 foramen, secondary to degenerative disc disease.
Been in PT for a month, still hoping to avoid surgery.
I hurt my achilles weeks ago and I'm seriously busy at the moment so haven't been running much, but I'm still keeping up with the forums.

Just wanted to know if anyone else is injured or too busy to run at the moment but still hanging around here.

*puts hand up* Yep i'm in the same boat. Got knee injuries and a month until my appointment with the specialist. I feel your pain with reading about people running without injuries. Even worse when I pass runners on the street. Can't get rid of the jealous feelings :p
Thanks for putting my crappy achilles in perspective guys. All too easy to sit here feeling sorry for myself when there's people with serious stuff going on.

I obviously missed your posts too Longboard. That really sucks. I don't know much about your condition, but I sincerely hope you can find some relief, preferably without surgery. Keep us updated?
I never really posted, I was so shocked/pissed off/bummed that I just kind of dropped out but notified TJ of my predicament. She posted for me in the Pub but I have'nt even been visiting there.
I'll check in tomorrow after hearing what the neurosurgeon has to say.
Keep us updated for sure! Hope you hear some good news tomorrow! I'll send a prayer or two up for you.
LB, have or did you try acupuncture? i'd also search for a good massage therapist or chiropractor. if me, a surgeon would have been the absolute last option. i hope you don't settle for it just yet.

get better.
oh, the rest of you too.
Andy & Longboard,

Hope your respective injuries heal quickly and you are able to run again in no time! I hurt my Achilles tendon last year, and it's 95% better now, but still feels a little "tweaky" now and then. That little "tweaky" feeling has so far prevented me from running more than 3-4 miles at a stretch, and also prevents me from running on back-to-back days. So I'm counting my blessings that I am currently able to run, but very often I read these forums and wish that I could run more. Good luck everyone!
I'm on the "not injured, just busy" side of things. I've been working on a grant proposal, my 3rd year review, and a paper I was reviewing for the past month. I run at work because I've got a 1.25 hour commute and I prefer to run in daylight. But the work has been taking up my running time, which I think is completely rude. There's light at the end of the tunnel -- the grant is due next week, and the other things are already finished. Just hanging on a little longer ...

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