what do you feel when you run or walk bf in front of others?

I don't think about it too much anymore. In the beginning, I was a little shy, but my personality only lets me be shy for a moment. ;)
I just don't let "them" bother me. I don't care what people think about my feet.
I just don't let "them" bother me. I don't care what people think about my feet.
thats so gangsta, did you ever had arguments with someone because of it?

my uncle was a nun, and she was so politically correct once she started judging with agressive a woman for just let her daughter pick a flower from a park, there are some people like that
No argument yet, and there won't be any because I will just walk away. Besides, I have 8 very long scars on my feet that shoes put there that I will show them if they give me any crap. We don't all come to barefoot running/barefooting for the same reasons. I came to barefoot running (now barefooting) because shoes were destroying my feet.
No argument yet, and there won't be any because I will just walk away. Besides, I have 8 very long scars on my feet that shoes put there that I will show them if they give me any crap. We don't all come to barefoot running/barefooting for the same reasons. I came to barefoot running (now barefooting) because shoes were destroying my feet.

I run barefoot and have no issue doing so because i believe it's the healthiest way to run. I have purpose, a motive and a goal so it's easy. I felt a little shy at first but after a few runs i didn't think about it any more.

Find your purpose and you will find your confidence.
it is,

me too, i always feel shy at first and then shy dissapears

but you only do barefoot run skedaddle? you dont like to walk barefoot in city etc?
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I feel funny and a bit shy at first but then the pleasure of feeling the ground underneath me overcomes my other feelings and any apprehensions seem to disappear. I have a good time doing what I want. I'm not hurting anyone. I'm not breaking any laws!
im similar bare_ftazn, i feel powerfull and knowing how healthy and make stronger feet and developed perfectly is awesome for me

also is very comfortable and maybe the electrons discharge of something like that influences too

also is beauty
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Don't overanalyze. Just enjoy, it's our natural way to move. Whoever does not get that, why would I care about his opinion.
yep such a simple thing only not wear shoes, stupid traditions

The only thing I feel is "freedom". I have to agree with Christian, you are over analyzing, people go barefoot all the time.
? not in europe, north america, south america, russia, and most asia lol

only new zealand people go barefoot all the time because poeple work based in tradition, give them tradition of new zealand and people go barefoot

also australia and south africa many go barefoot, but the rest of the planet...

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