Hi from BDA

Ronnie B

Feb 2, 2012
I am a new member from Bermuda - Ronnie B. Been running BF for about 2 years now. Mine is a classic story of bad knees hips and ankles from years of running with the highly cushioned shoes and landing with the heel way out in front. Was contemplating stopping running completely. Read a book on BF running and followed through on the advice on how to start. End result - within 6 months - no knee, ankle or hip pain. Only injuries thus far - very tight calf muscles to begin with, and 2 cuts - minor. Run with my dogs early morning - anywhere from 3 to 5 miles on an old railway trail, mostly crushed coral with some paved bits - asphalt. Have only seen one other person bf running in the past 2 years. Have had some folks stop me and question why I run BF - no negative comments to date. I bought a pair of Vibrams - but have effectively retired them because I prefer BF. What's nice is I can run BF all year round - the coldest the ground gets is somewhere in the low 50's fahrenheit.
Wow, Bermuda! Welcome, Ronnie! Got any pictures of what it's like where you run?
Welcome R.B. I love Bermuda. The coral sounds like it might be sharp.
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Hi, and welcome. I'll envy you next week when it snows here. :)
Thanks - sometimes we forget how fortunate we are and take things for granted- your reply gave me the get up and go and run with my dogs this morning - it had been raining through the night and the temperature had dropped to the mid 60's - and I didn't feel like going for a run at 5:30 - then I remembered your comment - wow - ice and snow - so with a smile (and some happy GSD's) - out I went!
Welcome R.B. I love Bermuda. The coral sounds like it might be sharp.
Hi - actually the trail has been worn down as smooth as a wooden floor in most places and has a covering of sand or dirt. Absolutely perfect for BF'ing. The biggest problem I have is with Casuarina (Australian Pine or Ironwood) berries. They are about the size of a marble and sharp. Problem comes when one (or two) stick to the sole - and you carry on a few steps pounding it in. Gets your attention! Luckily only on a 200 yard stretch.
Welcome Ronnie, one day i will get down to the islands and make a stop in Bermuda, but until then it is the ice and snow for me up here in Winterpeg. Happy Barefootin'
Hi - thanks for the welcome., BDA does not have any extremes either hot or cold in temperature. What makes all the difference is the humidity - which is usually very high. I run early mornings with my dogs ( 5AM to 6:30) and even at those times in the summer we liken it to running in soup! It makes it hard to breathe and the sweat does not evaporate - so even after one mile - I look like I have been for a swim.

In the winter - January through early March - the cold wind from the northwest is very damp - so it bites and goes through whatever you have on. At the end of the day though - it is nice to be able to bf run throughout the year. My hat is off to you folks who run bf when the temperature starts to drop in the 40's and below! I have run in Boston in the winter - and I have to admit am in no hurry to repeat that.


Ronnie B
Your trail description sounds like my description of running heaven (other than the heckleberries). Enjoy!
Yup - absolutely right - the only time it gets gnarly is when the horses go through and the hooves rough everything up. The other thing you gotta look out for is the tiny whistling frogs - the little guys are only about 1/2 inch long and you don't want to hurt them!
Nice to have you here Ronnie!

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