First real barefoot running injury

So, I went out for a quick 3 mile run this evening. Ihad reached about the half mile mark. I was approaching a corner at the end of a dead-end street. I heard and saw the lights of a car coming from around the corner. Ihopped up onto the curb to avoid being smashed by a car blindly turning right. Funny thing, there's this construction sign on the corner (passed it many times). It has square legs that are like an upside-down T. As I passed it, I managed to kick the end of one leg with my right foot just under my pinkie toe. I kept running about 3 paces thinking that it kinda hurt and that it was a damn stupid thing to do. Then I remembered that the end of the pipe leg I just kicked was an open square pipe. I stopped to look at my foot and realized I had sliced it pretty good. End of evening run.

Managed to walk about half-way home before realizing Icould still run on it. Made it home, snapped some pictures (for your viewing pleasure TJ, cuz you know you like those kind of pics) and jumped in the shower to wash it off.

Bandaged and ready to run again in another day or two.


Ooh, sounds painful. In my experience foot injuries seem to bleed a lot, especially while running. I kick my self in the ankles every now and again, and even though its just a tiny cut I end up with blood running along my entire foot because it smears. And I can avoid people saying "See, barefooting is dangerous!" Because, A, its my feet causing the damage, and B. I did it in shoes too, and it hurts worse with a shoe.
Well, the nurse looked at need for doctor. I was overdue on Tetanus shot, so got that taken care of. A day or two of rest and I'll be back on the road. Careless does not a barefoot runner make :)
That looks like it hurt! Thanks for sharing that picture...and remembering that I like pictures like this...I think. I hope it heals well and healthy. When do you think you will be able to run again? -TJ
Surprisingly, it didn't hurt that much. It was kinda like stubbing your toe. If I didn't think about what I hit, I probably would of kept on running until the pain (i.e. pulling on flap of skin) got worse. As of right now, my shoulder hurts more from the tetanus shot. I am hoping to do a 6+ mile run this weekend. I just have to figure out a good way to tape and seal it off. As my buddy in Colorado said, "You're hardcore, dude!"
How about using super glue. There was a thread about this the other day. Lots of us recommend it for cuts and stuff.
Yes, superglue was my first reaction to this picture and I'm going to testify to the greatness of this man-made invention to effectively closing gashes like this on our soles. Anyway, my 2 cents.

Well, currently all healed up now. Ran 4 miles last night problems. Last week while still healing had to wear VFFs.

I did try to use some of that "NewSkin" stuff. However, while applying it, I popped the flap of skin up so I had to trim it off making the wound more exposed. Turns out it was quite the deep cut.

I'll keep superglue in mind (hopefully, I'll never have another cut quite like that). Turns out what I hit was not a square pipe, but a L shaped piece of metal (a 90 degree bracket). OUCH!

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