Making sure the feet still work

Went for a run today. Ordinarily that wouldn't be news but somehow I went the last 7 weeks with little more than my daily barefoot shuffle to pick up my veggie and brown rice bento for lunch and the round trip between my office and my car. A reliable mile or so a day I can always count on. Even so, with my races 7 and 8 weeks ago and my race next weekend I should have an average weekly barefoot/minimalist mileage since the last weekend of June of about 33 miles per week. That's right, lately I seem to either be running 100 miles with a marathon chaser or not at all. Don't try this at home folks. And wish me luck.




You said your next race is the AC100. What is that exactly? I mean if you haven't been running since your marathon chaser, then how can you approach another 100 so soon without any running. Or is this AC100 a unicycle event. Good luck to you, Zeke!
AC100 is the Angeles Crest 100 Mile Endurance Run. And what exactly does it take to run 100 miles? Conventional wisdom is that if you are physically able ton run 50 miles than 100 miles is primarily a matter of mental endurance and know how. The first 50 is in your legs, they say, and the next 50 is In your head. Now, a 100 mile unicycle ride is something like a 50 mile to 100K run as far as your cardiovascular system is concerned, so by assuming I could ride 100 miles, and knowing that I am mentally able to run 100 miles, you may see how I could set out on a 100 mile run.

Its just been a season of 100 mile runs with mostly rest and recovery inbetween. Make no mistake, it will be a long hard slog. But I'm no less confident in finishing than usual (which always recognizes the chance of not finishing for some unexpected reason). .

Wow! So it is another 100 mile ultra and so soon! I'm sure you know what you're doing, since you have so much experience in this area. I am truly impressed with you guys who can run 100s. Good luck, Zeke! Send us your race report, and we'll share it with the members here at the BRS. -TJ
Well, nobody said it was a GOOD idea! Yes, I know what I'm doing: going into a 30 hour slog fest of late night existential crisis. Maybe it's good for the soul.

My success rate at writing race reports is low but somewhat improved since I started blogging. Still have Western States' on the old "To Do" list though!
Add another minimalist 100 mile finish to the list!
I wish I could have followed up this 100 with another marathon or similar feat (like the 15K pulling my two daughters in their rickshaw after the One Day Run For Hunger) but this time an hour long run on the beach had to suffice. I'm working on my race report (about 30 miles in so far) and so I'm still posting here. Cheers! Z

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