Mileage Report April Week 3

Had a pretty good week last week. Did 17 miles overall, 3 miles, 2 miles, 3 miles, and the grandaddy, a 9 MILER on Sunday. Woot! It was nice and rainy, just kept my feet superwet and cool the whole way. Felt great, no new injuries, but I still have nagging pain from some glass.

Some gidgit broke a bottle on my trail, most of which powdered, and has wound up ground into my foot in various places. This is now the 4th piece of glass I've pried out of my foot this month. They're tiny, don't think I can avoid them too easily. Frustrating, highly, highly frustrating, too know my mileage could be 20 or more miles a week, and i can't get there because of road crap.

So, overall, a good week, 9 miles is a PR for me in barefoot distance, and to do it in the rain with no blistering is pretty sweet. Looks like I'm only doing 45 miles in April, but that's about 43 miles more than last year, so I'm calling it a victory!


Not sure - They're frustrating because I can't feel them when they stick in, just several hours later they swell up a little and get tender. Hell to dig out, too.

I didn't get any last year, so I'm thinking it's just a fluke of this one broken bottle, I mean it was just mashed into the asphalt like powder. Like an idiot, I tossed all the big pieces into the grass, which really I could have just detoured onto.

But, all good, already have 15 miles in this week, just waiting for some sun here in Ohio! See ya


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