Le Sigh (pardon my french)

I should be out running at the moment. I'm dressed for it. I have 45 minutes until I have to pick up my son from school. I could not find my mp3 player (two family members used it over the weekend, and someone put it somewhere). I started to look for it, but cannot find it. I did find a giant pile of papers on the dining room table that need sorting, though.
I also could not find the hat I wear when I run, to keep the sun and my hair out of my eyes. Nor can I find my "backup" hat. I have a basket that has only one purpose: hold hats. Obviously I didn't properly distribute that memo. While looking for the hats, I found all the blankets piled on the couch that need to be folded, clean clothes and shoes that need to be put away.Plus, I have a work deadline looming.I started out to run, with one of Mr Deplume's hats and no tunes. All I could think of was the mess and the job and the wind and the giant front porch remodeling project that is taking WAY too long already. Maybe with the music I could have just sung along and pushed the rest of life out of my head, but today I was powerless against it.
If I put running off until all of my obligations are done, I'll never have fun ever again. But when I put the run first, it is always tainted by the knowledge that I'm shirking something else. How do you run (or knit, or paint, or do any fun hobby-type thing) when there are so many very important things on your plate?


I have no idea. And here I am laid up in bed trying to heal from the surgeries, and all I can think about is getting outside on all these beautiful sunny and rainey days to run. They're just passing me on by! My house is starting to gross me out. SoI think if I could even walk around the house, I'd start cleaning it up, start with the bathrooms, yuck! (Of the four of us, I am the only girl.) I look out my bedroom window and see the birds and the clouds and feel anxious. Then my little one tells me he's hungry, so I hobble in pain to the kitchen to get him something, and I see the cat run out the cat door. I wish I could follow right behind him. Heavy sigh. I have no idea. Let me know if you ever figure it out.
The plate will always be there, and it will usually be close to full (if it's anything like the plate Ihave). Ithink for mental health sake, as long as you aren't overdoing it, it's good to forget about that plate for short periods and do what you need to do. Running is part of our nature. And when you get back from your run, you will have more perspective and more energy to deal with the plate. And maybe you will find that some of those things that are left undone don't really need to be done.
No matter what you will always need to do something. What I do is make a schedule. I use Google Calendar to do this, but a piece of paper works just fine. Write down what you are going to do and how long it takes for you to do that thing. Always make sure to have time for yourself.

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Norm Deplume
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