San Francisco 4 Mile Strides for Life Run

Last Sunday, for the second year in a row I was the only barefoot runner in the San Francisco Strides for Life 4 mile around Lake Merced. This race benefits colorectal cancer and I have been a survivor since June 2009. The weather was good; there was a light rain before the race the temperature was about 59 degrees. The course was mostly a rough paved multi-use trail with a small downhill dirt / rock trail section.

During warm-ups I talked with a runner who said he ran barefoot in Guatamala until age 17. He wore shoes now and encouraged my barefoot running.Also one of the race officials on his bike saw me and asked if I was going to run barefoot.

Shortly after mile 1, a runner came up next to me and said he liked my shoes. Thinking through responses like..."my mother made these for me" or "had them for 52 yrs," I replied "yeah, but I'm worried they'll get ruined by that rain." Note I passed that guy later around mile 3.

Near the end of the race, the official on the bike saw me and cheered "go barefoot!" Afterwards I talked with a man who said his son was starting to run in 5 fingers. I explained that I started running barefoot after one of my sons got me interested and that I like 5 fingers for off-road running. I advised him to encourage his son to mix some barefoot running with his 5 fingers to help with form and overall development.


Nice report, Pete. I love that stuff you're standing in, in the picture. Looks real comfy. -TJ
The picture was from a lava rock and coral covered beach area near Waikoloa, Hawaii. I spent a few hours training on that stuff in late August!

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