Thank you, Soft Star Shoes!

Thank you to our Sponsor
Soft Star Shoes

With Hood to Coast (H2C) 2013 so close on our heels, we wanted to take a moment and thank a company who was gracious enough to help support our H2C Team at the Barefoot Runners Society this year.

Jen has done a lot, and I mean a lot, of work organizing this adventure, so when you have a chance, whether you are on the team or not, please be sure to thank her for all her efforts and hard work.

Thanks, Jen!


Tricia Salcido
C Elf O
Soft Star Shoes
521 SW Second St, #201
Corvallis, OR 97333

Re: Letter of Appreciation for Sponsorship

Dear Ms. Salcido,

The Oregon chapter of The Barefoot Runners Society would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your wonderful company, Soft Star Shoes (along with all of your fabulous elves), for your sponsorship of the 2013 Oregon Barefoot Runners Society Hood to Coast team. As you know, fielding a team of 12 runners, 2 vans and multiple volunteers over a 3 day, 200 mile relay race can be a daunting and expensive task, not only for the organization but for the individual members as well.

With the sponsorship from Soft Star Shoes, this task has become much more plausible for all of us runners who are there for the fun of running and the excitement of competing in such a monumental event.

The Oregon chapter of The Barefoot Runners Society is a very active chapter with a growing membership, weekly runs and non-run events. Not surprisingly, even though we are The Barefoot Runners Society, most of our members also own at least one pair of minimalist shoes for those super rocky or frozen trails. For our members, Soft Star Shoes rank high on the list of shoes we own for such occasions. Soft Star Shoes has created a winning combination of high quality materials, quality workmanship and essential attributes for minimalist running shoes that we have all come to rely on. When the subject of minimalist running shoes comes up, as it does regularly, Soft Star Shoes are always at the top of the list of preferences.

Once again, we greatly appreciate the sponsorship that you and the other elves at Soft Star Shoes have offered. We are excited to have forged a partnership that we feel will be beneficial to both of our organizations today and into the future. Our hopes for a successful event at the Hood to Coast relay this year have been greatly enhanced by your sponsorship. We hope for a very prosperous year for Soft Star Shoes and I am sure The Barefoot Runners Society members will be continually adding to that prosperity.

Here is to a great year for both of our organizations.

Jennifer DeLeon
Oregon Chapter President
The Barefoot Runners Society

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