Secret to Increasing Ankle Stability? Plantar Feedback

Secret to Increasing Ankle Stability? Plantar Feedback
By Dr. Emily Splichal

Greetings from Asia! This week’s post I wanted to share a topic that is of great interest to me– barefoot training for ankle instability.
Every month I like to check out the newest issues of my favorite exercise science, sports medicine and Podiatry journals. During my reading, I came across an interesting article on the chronic ankle instability and plantar cutaneous feedback.

Chronic Ankle Instability
Ankle sprains are one of the most common injuries in the physically active – and one of the most common foot & ankle related injuries treated in an emergency room setting. It is estimated that up to 70% of individuals who experienced an ankle sprain have residual symptoms including instability or recurrent sprains (Hoch 2012). This persistent instability is referred to as chronic ankle instability.
To date, most research has focused on the residual impairment within the proprioceptors of the musculotendinous junction and joint capsule. In response to this research, most CAI treatment programs include your standard peroneal strengthening and wobble board training.
But does this effectively address the residual instability and risk of re-injury observed in patients and clients suffering with CAI? Continued here: http://blog.evidencebasedfitnessaca...easing-ankle-stability--plantar-feedback.aspx
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