Rock N Roll Savannah!

Welcome back, Suzanne! Did you run the RNR in Savannah? How was it? If you care to share, you can post in the Course Reviews forum.
Yes, TJ I ran in the RNR Savannah. It was a lot of fun. I did nine miles barefoot and then put on my Vibrams. The course was okay. Wish they would keep us out of the sketchy part of town. LOL The roads were smooth for the most part. There was only one area where there was gravel and I got a good bruise from it. I did my best to stay on the painted yellow line. The song by Johnny Cash kept coming to mind. I am definitely running it next year completely barefoot. I had only ran 7 miles before this race so getting to 9 was good enough for me. I did notice that my pace and form changed completely after I put on the shoes. Which is why I won't do that again. The only real complaint I have is that the gu stations are sticky and there was no other barefoot runner there that I could see. I hope there will be more next year. All in all I had a great time.
More conditioning, you'll do just fine. Congrats!