Question about cadence & slow runs

C. Beth Run.

Jul 6, 2010
I keep reading about BF cadence and how important it is to do at least 180 steps per minute.

But for my long weekend runs (longest so far has been 8.6 miles), I go really slowly. (In the humidity we've got right now, my last couple of long runs have been about 12-12:30 per mile.) I LIKE going slowly. I'm not a speedy runner and don't ever plan to be; I enjoy a long, slow run so much more than a quicker, shorter run.

Currently my big goal is to run a half marathon in the fall or winter. I'm a BF newbie so I don't go far BF yet but I'm working on it. I'm hoping I'll be ready to do my first half either BF or in some sort of minimalist shoes. And my goal will be to finish it, running the whole way, at ANY pace. Slow is okay!

But here's where I have trouble--how in the world can I do my slow runs with that sort of cadence? 180 steps a minute feels so fast--I can stick close to that on a 3 mile run, but can't imagine doing it on a longer run, even with a really short stride.

Any advice?
I am far slower than you, and

I am far slower than you, and my cadence is comfy around 170. I'm working my way up to 180, and you might want to do the same thing if you really want to hit 180. Just start where you are and add a few beats each week. 180 makes me slightly faster, which I enjoy, and it's not as difficult as you might think, it's just a really short stride. I've got a metronome, which is the only way I know my cadence at all, I can't count and do math and run all at the same time!
Remember that 180 is just a

Remember that 180 is just a guidleline amount that works for most people. The cadence that works for you is going to vary based on a lot of variables such as your speed, height, etc. I'm 6'7", so my cadence is very low for a barefoot runner (generally around 160, which approaches some shod runners' cadence). It's even lower as I increase distance. I've never had a problem with such a low cadence.

If you feel comfortable at the cadence you are at, don't worry about it too much. If you are developing hot spots and blisters though, it's time to increase your strides.
I appreciate the input.

I appreciate the input. Sounds like I just need to listen to my soles and do my best to have good form without thinking about it SO much!
Absolutely!  I do my best

Absolutely! I do my best barefoot running when I'm just concentrating on having fun. Your feet will let you know if something is wrong.
This goes for all runners,

This goes for all runners, but I find my best runs take place after I have refueled properly and at the proper time.

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