Peer Pressure


Chapter Presidents
Jun 5, 2010
portland, or
Peer Pressure. We tell our kids not to give into it. Think for yourself. Do what you think is right and if they are truly your friends then they will respect you for it.

Well i've given into peer pressure lately. Running with the group here is great. Only problem for me is there have been times i felt i should wear some shoes but didn't because everyone else was BF. I recently ran two 10k's on nearly the same trail 5 days apart. I knew about 1 of them so i was running the course once to twice a week to prepare for the race.

With the first one i was about to wear my huaraches but didn't. Joshh and Suzanne were there so i flet i should represent and just take it easy. It was a free race while the one on Saturday was paid for. The underground race the three of us ran though had some serious runners there. A 35 year tradition of running for each equinox and solstice on the trails. I think i will try harder for the next one.

Paid race on Saturday i was going to run with huaraches. The race starts on a very rocky trail and finished on it as well with a terrible stretch of rocky road (he he) that even shoddies fear thrown in for good measure. The start and the middle didn't worry me too much. The finish did as it was rocky and downhill. I knew i would struggle with it as my energy would be used to run uphill and i wouldn't have much left for this near mile downhill stretch of rocky trail. I did trip after being warned. First time ever on this part. Josh also tore up his foot here.

With Joshh, his daughter Jasmine, Stomper, Suzanne, and Paraganek all there and going BF, i had to as well. While i don't regret it i over did it. I was feeling some discomfort leading up to both races on the ball of my left foot. I was doing too many miles on the trails. More than i am ready for. 6 mile runs instead of 3 every other day.

This past Tuesday i ran with PG for three miles on the same trail. No problems. Thursday we ran it again only he talked me into goin further up the trail. I felt good on the run so i went. As soon as we got to the terrible road, it's called Leif Erickson, i felt like i bruised the balls of both my feet. I had to walk. I think i barely ran a quarter mile. Even the small stretch of asphault hurt. My bones really feel like they're bruised. They don't hurt to touch but running was, is, a bit painful.

I'm a victim of TMTS. Yeah, after a year of being mostly bf i fell victim. I gave into peer pressure and did more than i could bf. Then again i now sit here thinking maybe it was the shoes and huaraches that forced the pain since they may have forced me to slam my feet down a bit more than i realized. Hmm.

Either way i won't be running for at least a week. I can handle it but don't know if my dog can. Just a tale of caution to all that tmts still happens even to people with some experience and some common sense.
