'nother article on BF and injuries


May 17, 2010
Kulmbach, Germany
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Reactions: Bare Lee
Interesting article Willie. I just forwarded it on to a buddy of mine who will be starting the transition when he comes out here to visit me. I really want to try to impress upon him the importance of not doing too much too soon.
You beat me to it, I read this earlier today. A co-worked said a local radio station was talking about the article; he said they were pretty much saying barefoot running was crazy and why would anyone do it. If I listened to top 20 pop I would have heard it I suppose...
Nick - I think that's a good idea - an article that doesn't come from zealous evangelists like us can have more imapct, lol.

Ram - the article really doesn't conclude that we're crazy at all, but I expect that many people reading it will miss all the caveats about simply not overdoing it. Oh well.

Btw, is that the new stomp of approval you got there??? I likes it! (would be a good logo, alas...)
I think that's what a "lay person" sees, they don't get the transition part, they just see that people are getting hurt, regardless of fault.