My five fingers are HOT!

Toe Jammer

Apr 20, 2011
... and I'm not talking about fashion... My VFF are temperature hot. I started running barefoot in March (abiut 3 months ago). I live in southern california. Until recently the weather has been moderate, but last week the temperature was creeping up to almost 90. My lunchtime route consists of about 2 miles concrete, 1 mile bike path and 200 yards blacktop. My bare feet were getting pretty warm by the end of the run so I dug out my VFF sprints (circa 2008) and ran in those the other day. But the black rubber soles of the VFF retained the road heat and it was actually worse than running barefoot!!

Do any of you VFF users have similar problems of having a hot shoe that is almost unbearable? Obviously I do not have this problem if I run in the morning or evening - just mid-day runs with the VFF. Do other models (like Bikila or some model that has non-black soles) fix the "hot foot" problem that I'm experiencing?

Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom,


(I thought about chaning my name to "barefoot steve" after watching the youtube video "I am a Barefoot Runner"...;-)
I wasn't running in mine, but

I wasn't running in mine, but this weekend, it was 96' mid day in TX and I was helping a friends sister fix her car after a wreck so they could get back home to Tyler, 2hrs away. I was out there for several hours and I could feel the heat from the concrete through my Bikilas!

I wear mine to work here in

I wear mine to work here in sunny las vegas, and I have been feeling the heat. Not unbearable, but my feet are sweating like crazy. You have to remember to keep those straps tight or the feet slide around and cause blisters. Yes, I found this out the hard way this week. Seems all my blisters happen when I am NOT running! Argghhh!!

Back on point, I have been trying to feel for the heat on various surfaces; and this whole week, the temps, even though they have climbed to over 107 F (41 C), the roads and parking lots have not been more than I'd expect and comfortable (for summer anyway), but the week before, they got pretty hot. I think it's just a body adjustment thing that happened.

John T.