Migrating member


Feb 17, 2012
Hi all,
I am migrating from the RW barefoot board. This looks like a great place to learn and share.
I am quite new to bf running as I have only been running foot naked for about a year (minus the few weeks I chickened out in a Midwest winter).
I am currently training for a late summer marathon...fingers crossed.

I am finishing up my degree in international relations and comparative cultures and politics. I've been married for 2years now and hope to move somewhere warmer sometime soon!

I'm glad the board is up and working, and I'm excited to participate.
What? who invited you over? :p
Welcome! I think.
Welcome, Zet! We try not to mention "that other place" over here. TEASING!
hahaha.....got it :eek:
@ Barefoot Dama.....I thought you did! lol
Don't worry, I wont tell anyone
Welcome Zetti! Glad you found us!
Thanks chaser! It's nice to see you again.
I was a fan of ur posts up until the incident.

Then you were no longer a fan? Huh? Teasing, Chaser!

You can be a Chaser fan once again, although I don't recommend it. ;)
Hahahaha....I appreciate the words of wisdom...I can't say chaser will say the same however. =)