I have something in common with the rock LEGEND, Steven Tyler!

Barefoot TJ

Staff member
Mar 5, 2010
What's Wrong with Steven Tyler's Feet (Besides the Toenail Polish)?

This was forwarded to my by Dr. Mark. I responded:
You know, I saw this the other day on Oprah as I was scanning channels and caught the tail-end of Steven saying something about having foot pain. I wondered if it was MN. His was no doubt induced by his performances on stage though. And this isn't typical of MN: What they had to do was to cut some bone and take two knuckles out of my feet. It looks and sounds like he did a lot more damage to his foot than just the nerves. It doesn't help that all the drug abuse he has experienced in his life, especially the heroin, prevents his body from healing properly. Hopefully, I won't become addicted to pain killers like him. But seriously, what's up with the red toe nail polish? TJ
Does he have young daughters?

Does he have young daughters? I happen to know that they get a kick out of painting their dad's toenails. But, I guess in his case it's just cause he's cool enough to pull it off. I'd just look like an even bigger dork than I already am.
I don't know how cool this

I don't know how cool this looks. Maybe back in "the day." (Steven's foot. Not mine! Just want to make that clear! ;-))


His toes all crooked like that looks like he was making his feet fit the shoes, instead of making the shoes fit his feet.
Do you suppose some Correct

Do you suppose some Correct Toes are in order?
omg! i did not need to see

omg! i did not need to see that! that's disgusting. blah. i'm going to have to go drink now to forget about that. no, that will likely burn it in my mind. next time put a warning TJ, or at least move this to the gross picture thread.
migangelo wrote:eek:mg! i did

migangelo said:
omg! i did not need to see that! that's disgusting. blah. i'm going to have to go drink now to forget about that. no, that will likely burn it in my mind. next time put a warning TJ, or at least move this to the gross picture thread.

Ha!I was just going to say


I was just going to say the same thing.

This coming from the big, bad, men's man! I bet you're afraid of little, furry, white mice running around too! Sissy!
Funny thing TJ, he's studying

Funny thing TJ, he's studying to be a chiropractor. I bet he would see a lot of crazy things as a chiro. Just a hunch.
Hysterical!  And these toes

Hysterical! And these toes freak him out! He's in a world of hurt. Maybe he should rethink what it is he wants to do when he grows up. Hee.

Nothin' but love, Mike!
Oh at least Mike has a

Oh at least Mike has a direction he wants to go in. I'm all sorts of confused, and you would think at 34 I would have some sort of idea. I've been really toying with the thought of becoming a physical therapist, but I am deathly afraid of forgetting something and hurting someone. It has been something I've thought about for years though. Everyone that really knows me seems to think I'd be good in a medical preofession of some sort, with all the research I do about muscles, bones, other things related to the body. I don't know though. I really don't want to work with the ooey goey myself as I've done that in the past when I was a firefighter and I'm not so keen on it.
You should do it, if that's

You should do it, if that's what you want. My SIL, in her mid 30s, went to/started college to get a degree in psychiatry; that was four years ago, now she's on her second four years.
glad you two had so much fun

glad you two had so much fun picking on me while i was away. anyone in their right mind would agree that that is one disgusting foot. a toe bent over the other toes is not good. how the hell did he deal with that? why'd he wait so long? isn't foot binding outdated and illegal?

i'm not a big manly man but i'm not a wuss. it takes something really gross to freak me out. like that foot. at least i can handle those mice, snakes, and blood. no problems with poop but puke, blah.
Lol! Mice I can handle but

Lol! Mice I can handle but snakes, hell no keep them away from me. Blood doesn't make me sick or anything like that, I just don't like it. Puke and poop don't neccesarily bother me either, but sometimes there is extremes of those that make me gag.

Mike we wouldn't pick on ya if we didn't like ya. At least I wouldn't. I would straight up ignore you! Lol! Oh and bending toes, I can move my pinky toes on both feet independent of the others and can set them on top of the next closest toes. My wife is completely freaked out by it and has asked my whole family if anyone can do anything like it. To date we have never met anyone else who can do it any where. Sometimes its comfortable and I just flip them up like that while my feet are on the ottoman without realizing I did it. My wife will see this and just spazz out about it. Pretty funny to me!
You both are sissies!  Snakes

You both are sissies! Snakes are beautiful animals. I guess nothing scares me. Well, except vomit. :sick:
Snakes are not beautiful

Snakes are not beautiful animals. I just stepped on one a week or two ago. That is truly disgusting feeling on your barefeet.

You have to be a "sissy" as you put it TJ, vomit bothers you.

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