How To: quoting text


Apr 3, 2010
Since we don't have a separate "forum discussion" sub-forum yet, I thought I would put this here. I just figured out this quote thing and thought I would share what I learned.
Quote blocks work by having the quoted text between opening and closing quote tags.

But, they don't appear correctly if the opening and closing quote tags are on separate lines from the text being quoted. When you do that, the quoted text appears below the quote block instead of within it as shown here.

So, to get it to display correctly, the quoted text has to start on the same line as the opening quote tag and the closing quote tag has to be on the last line of the quoted text.

As this example shows, there can still be blank lines in the middle of a quote block. This is done by "Disable rich-text" and using
for each embedded line break. But, if you preview before posting, the rich-text display will add a space between br and / and result in that text being below the quote block again the next time. So, disable rich-text again and remove those pesky spaces before posting quote blocks with blank lines.
I'll try posting this to see if it shows up correctly.

I hope this helps.

Admins - feel free to delete this when the behavior changes.
Thanks, Tim.  We are planning

Thanks, Tim. We are planning on having a tips/FAQ section for site usage. This would fit right in there.

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