How long before my feet aren't raw by the end of a long run?

Sadly I haven't had a pure bf

Sadly I haven't had a pure bf run since Sunday, hoping to get out there today for a mid distance run with jogger. It's a bit soggy out there, rain all week. Looking to do a long run on Saturday, I'll report back after that run. Can't wait! Finally supposed to warm up and the sun will be shining, over the moon excited to run!
      I want to do a 10k in

I want to do a 10k in June I am up to 5 miles and my feet are on FIRE. No blisters anymore my last one was before the winter. Boy oh boy it is a long road.

I was in WAL MART the other day (don't tell no one) and I was looking @ some Aqua sox with lust in my eyes. I resisted!
Resist the

Resist the temptation...resist the temptation...resist the temptation...