Hi from PKFFW


Oct 10, 2010
Sydney, Australia
G'day everyone.

So what to say about myself???

I live in Sydney, Australia.

PKFFW stands for Peaceful Kung Fu Fighting Warrior.

That should make it obvious that I train in Kung Fu as well as run. Most of that training is done barefoot so I feel I have a head start in the whole barefoot running thing when it comes to foot strength. Though most of it is done inside on rubber mats so the soles of my feet are still sensitive.

I've had a break from running for about the last 5 years because of a knee injury requiring a PCL and ACL reconstruction along with a fair bit of my cartilage being cut out. As a side effect of some complications I required an epidural and from that I got a golden staph infection in my spine. Lost about 20kg(44 pound) and at one stage was looking at a life without being able to walk. So needless to say, it's nice to be back to running!

After many failed attempts to "get back into running", all resulting in tremendous knee pain that I tried to work through hoping it would go away and then eventually deciding to "take a break and give my knee more time", I heard about POSE, Chi and Evolution running and began looking into those. I began incorporating "barefoot technique" into my shod running and found that it helped immensely with the knee pain. I figured if some barefoot technique in my shod running has helped so much then maybe barefoot and/or minimalist shoe running would be even better. From there I found runnersworld and now here in my search for info on the whole BF/M running.

I've only had a handful of barefoot runs so far. Grass is my preferred surface at this point simply because the paved sidewalks around my place are abysmal and the road and running track nearby are both covered in very rough pebble-y type asphalt that is a pain to walk on, much less run on. Maybe when the soles of my feet have toughened up a bit.

I think it more likely I will end up a minimalist shoe runner rather than a completely barefoot runner because I grew up in the country and like to run trails mostly. I've always had sensitive, ticklish soles and can't see myself toughening them up enough to handle the trails I like to run so minimalist it is.

That's me in a nutshell.


Welcome! Don't take this the

Welcome! Don't take this the wrong way but sole conditioning isn't as important as learning how to relax every single muscle that isn't needed at any given time. If your feet are tense you'll inevitably feel every pebble you step on but if you relax your feet will mold to whatever surface you're running and you won't feel as much. Sure, some conditioning of the feet will take place but it isnt nearly as important as it seems when you're new.

Once again, welcome! I hope you'll stick around for a while.
Hi Blind Boy and thanks for

Hi Blind Boy and thanks for the advice, I will certainly keep it in mind and work on it.

I plan on sticking around, there certainly seems to be alot of interesting info here and hopefully I will be able to contribute something of interest in the future.
Welcome, PK!  That must have

Welcome, PK! That must have been terrible to suffer with what you went through. Glad you are well now and able to run.
I think it more likely I will

I think it more likely I will end up a minimalist shoe runner rather than a completely barefoot runner because I grew up in the country and like to run trails mostly. I've always had sensitive, ticklish soles and can't see myself toughening them up enough to handle the trails I like to run so minimalist it is.

Welcome, don't worry we all start out this way. The sensitivty wears off as the dexterity builds!
Thanks for the welcomes

Thanks for the welcomes everyone.

abide said:
Welcome, don't worry we all start out this way. The sensitivty wears off as the dexterity builds!

Well you guys here have a lot more experience at this than me so I reckon you are probably right. However, to be completely honest here, I'm not worried as this is all an experiment for me right now. My goal is to run completely pain and injury free. If that means I end up BF running then that is fine by me.(and would be cheaper too! :) ) If it means minimalist shoes are my thing that is also fine. And if it means I go back to my clod hoppers that is fine too. What ever gives me the result I am looking for is what I will end up doing.
Running happy and pain-free

Running happy and pain-free is our goal. Doesn't matter how you go about it, as long as you can acheive that goal.

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