Hello BFers! VFF runner here from TX!


Oct 28, 2011
I'm a runner from Texas and have been running in my Vffs for little over a year now and just finished my first marathon using VFFs the Houston Marathon was my 6th and I got a PR and shook hands with President Bush in the middle of it. I'm thinking of getting new vibrams as I've gone 800+ on these and just want a shiney new pair. Currently running in Bikilas but am debating on either the bikilas LS or the Speeds which would you all get?

I took video footage of the whole thing as well with my GoPro camera you can check out the footage here:

Part I: http://youtu.be/on4dlCX78Uk

Part II: http://youtu.be/f83I_omW7zY

Part III: http://youtu.be/MWvvVqxE2IY

Part IV: http://youtu.be/VPc2GbCHLaQ
Welcome, dude! What part of

Welcome, dude! What part of Texas? We have a pretty cool group on meetup in Austin as well and a chapter on here if you ever make it through these parts.
Welcome! Another Texan here.

Welcome! Another Texan here. I'm from the Beaumont area though.

So did you have to go super sajian to set that PR?
Whats up Notsodoomed runner

Whats up Notsodoomed runner thanks for the greetings. I'm from the SETX Lumberton,TX specifically. I was planning on doing the Austin Marathon this year as I've done the half and full the last couple of years but won't be able to this year. But I'll defintely have to look you guys up if I ever head up that way. THanks!
@ChaserWIlliams: Whats up

@ChaserWIlliams: Whats up man! You know you from Lumberton too haha! I'm Jeremy I ran with you at one of those exygon runs maybe a year back around this time and saw you at HEB that one day not so long ago. Anyways I took the race pretty easy stopped to take a crap and then stopped again to wait in line to shake hands with President George H W Bush on the course. Heres my race report: http://keepingthepace1.blogspot.com/2012/01/houston-chevron-marathon-2012-race.html

THe GoPro video that I took fo the whole thing is here: Instead of being called vibram dood everyone was calling me "GoPro dude" it was great!
Part I: http://youtu.be/on4dlCX78Uk

Part II: http://youtu.be/f83I_omW7zY

Part III: http://youtu.be/MWvvVqxE2IY

Part IV: http://youtu.be/VPc2GbCHLaQ
@Chaser: My bro and I have a

@Chaser: My bro and I have a running group that meet at 5:30pm Monday and Wednesdays at the Gulf Terrace Hike and bike trails. He's normally running BF and I'm in my VFFs if you ever wanna run with us. Willie actually ran his first BF half marathon not to long ago but decided to wear Hattoris for the Houston Marathon and Pr'ed by 30+ minutes. https://www.facebook.com/GTSTRUTTERS
Haha! Whats up Jeremy! Glad

Haha! Whats up Jeremy! Glad to see ya joined!

Organized meet ups very seldomly work for me, my running schedule is ass backwards... But thanks for the offer! If yall ever wanna do some trail runs, let me know, I know a few good trails in our area.

Are you running the Gusher? I plan on doing the half myself.
Geez, just tell me you washed

Geez, just tell me you washed your hands before you shook that poor man's hand!

Sounds like you'll fit in well around here with the rest of our recklooses.

Be sure to check out the Chapters tab above and join whichever Texas Chapters you wish.
