Donations box added

Done! I've been waiting for it to show up. Was I first??:D
That is odd it did not send an email.

David Vezmar was first and thank you all for the donations. We are going to go to another one soon that has more options but this is just to get one up.

Ann came in a close second. You was off by just a couple minutes. Also the tally looks broke.
DONATE, it will make you feel better about all or any of the following:

a) still wearing shoes
b) not running yesterday
c) eating at McDonald's
d) not sending money to FEMA
e) falling short in the lent dept. (although donating here does not get you off the hook with the Big Guy)
f) insert personal issue here

I challenge everyone who visits the NEW & IMPROVED website today to give just $5. You know TJ and Co. sweated bullets with the whole changeover, new domain. Nothing says thank you like a fin.
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And since there are no Presidential candidates worthy of our hard earned money, donate here instead.
Thank you all, Sara, Ram, and Anne. Your donations mean SO MUCH! And they show a true confidence that you all believe in us, that you all believe in me, and that is so important, especially right about now.
Okay the donations tally is working but i have to figure out how to add people manually if that is possible. I will let you all know. But if you click on the donate amount you will see who donated and how much. Not sure if people want to be anonymous.
Okay - the presidential candidate issue should be worth $10 at least.

I don't need to be anon, but some people might prefer, whatever gets the giving to flow.

No pledge drives . . . what could be easier and more rewarding?
One more thing - since we are on a Catholic thing (respectfully stated) you could look at your donation as a type of indulgence.
Wow! Donations are coming in! Good job everyone! Let's keep sharing the love...

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