Article: Cinderella Trail Run 10K - A Newbie’s First Trail Race By Barefoot Terry


May 24, 2010
I enjoyed the run as well. The rocks felt a bit harsh on my feet, and in some places made the hair on the back of my neck raise up with an ouch! I got a few sharp zingers that I thought did some real damage, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that my feet were tender but a-ok after the run. Those zingers really helped me focus on my foot placement and on obtaining a "light" stride, an experience that has helped transform the way I run. Since then, I think I've finally figured out how to run barefoot properly; I have run quite a few miles barefoot without any pain or tenderness of any kind. Overall, the Cinderella run has given me a new appreciation for how tough our feet really are.... and why the Tarahumara wear huaraches sometimes:) Barefoot John