Advice, 100k in one week, ITBS flare up


Aug 1, 2010
(First of all I apologize if a double and "ask the docs" is against rules but I am in a little bit of a panic and need all the advice I can get)

It's been 2 years since I've had any ITBS issues and sure enough, last week I started having a flare up. I have a 100k next weekend and could use some advice.
Here's a little info...I've been stretching and rolling several times every day since it started. No pain when rolling even when using all my weight on the roller. The problem leg also happens to be my most flexible leg....strange.
Today I ran for 1.5 hours and it started hurting about half way but not unbearable....I purchased a ITB strap and tried it for the first time at the end of my run and saw a significant reduction in the pain...
Question...Even though I am suppose to have 3 more days of light running should I 1) just take complete break until the race (7 days) with lots of stretching and rolling or
2) do easy runs with the strap then take the 3 days off prior to race? (still stretching and rolling)
One of the best orthopedics in the area treated a friend with ITBS with 2 aleve/2x day for 2-3 weeks and it totally cured his problem....I would also do the same for the coming week
thanks for any suggestions...I am really hoping the strap will get me throught the race.
... Been training too long not to atleast try... The good news is this race is on totally flat roads...(outerbanks NC)
I would defintely go the no-run route. Heck, even if you were 100% healthy, you're not going to get any training effect that'll make an iota of difference in a 100k run. The strap felt good first time you used it, that's enough (imo). Better to rest up, and maybe do some hot/cold therapy in the meantime?

Be careful with the Alleve during the run. I've no personal experience with it, but you're not supposed to take NSAIDs before strenuous exercise - it's said to be dangerous.

Good Luck!:)
thanks BFwillie for the advice. Yes, I will back off the aleve prior to the race. I've heard the same. Going to spend this week resting and rolling like crazy(which feels very good). I have found a couple really tight spots in the glute area and along ITB so going to work that out.
There's another self-massage technique that I do and which may help you, but you may not like it. It involves a hard-rubber mallet if you're interested, lol. I think it's even more effective than rolling, but most people think I'm kind of nutty.
Well, a brief report back. I took the week off prior to the 100k. Realizing I couldn't fix the root cause in 7 days I delt with the symptons. 2 Aleve, 2x day up until race day morning (race started at 3pm). I continued to do the basic rolling and stretches but nothing that caused pain. I purchased the Pro-Tec IT Band strap and wore it the first time on race day. I had to adjust the tension a couple times but ended up with ZERO issues during the entire 62 miles!!! I was totally amazed.

Tightness and some pain returned for several days after the race but I've taken the entire week off and will now begin working on the root cause of the problem and slowly start back running after probably another week of resting the legs... 62 miles is long way .
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Great outcome Mattlock, and I'll bet you ran even better for the rest.

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