Accidental minimalist biking


Aug 7, 2010
That's a pretty minimal pedal don't you think?

I was running my first mountain bike duathlon this past Saturday: 5k trail run - 10 miles mountain bike - 5k trail run.

After about 2 miles on the bike my pedal got caught on something after going over a log and broke. Since I had no way to repair I continued until the end of the first 5m loop. It was a really fun race and I didn't want to abandon, I was so mad! So I took off for another 5 mile loop with a broken pedal and then completed my 5k barefoot. My time was really bad: 2h32, with almost 40 min to complete the last 5k, but I *really* enjoyed it.

The best of all: I got an award for that! For continuing with a broken bike...and for being the only crazy person to run barefoot. The race was named the "Odd Man 1.3.5 Racing - Uncommon Racing for the Uncommon Racer..." So I fit right in!

I just wish I had been wearing shoes more substantial shoes than my water shoes since the 'pedal' kept rolling under the arch of my foot and my arch ended up a little bruised from that pressure.
They looked like decent

They looked like decent pedals, but they have a plastic part. Someone gave me that 10 year old bike but it seems to be pretty nice compared to the bikes I had before.

I just went over a log, I suppose the pedal got caught on something. When the weigh of me+the bike came down, the pedal stayed up.

I don't have front shocks. I'm happy to just have a bike. It was an 'easy' trail.
And please Abide, stop making

And please Abide, stop making fun of my bike! I love it.

One shop at the race was doing free tune ups. The guy told me I will need to replace my rear wheel and I'm better off buying a new bike but I plan on running the same race next year with the same bike. I won a $25 gift certificate at the bike shop and hope it will be enough to replace the pedal.

This bike is good enough for me, and I'm cheap.
I'm not knocking it at all,

I'm not knocking it at all, the one I use is exactly like it. I bought it when I was 18 for $250 and have probably put 10,000 miles on it over the past 14 years. It is the best bike ever. I can ride it in the mountains and all over town. All I have done to it is replaced the chain once, replaced the tires once and fixed a few spokes. I have gone through about 10 different innertubes, but that is because we have so many thorns down here and I kept popping them until I bought the fancy thick slime ones.

Why do you need a new rear wheel? Just replace the spokes if they need it. The shop will probably relace the whole thing for $30.
I don't remember the exact

I don't remember the exact terms but the guy said that my rear wheel was moving sidewise a little because the hole in the middle is worn out and probably oval.

It doesn't bother me at all so I will not replace it. I would like to learn how to take care of the bike. REI has a free bike maintenance clinic but they just show how to replace a tube and oil the chain. I need to look up more stuff on the Net.

Great that you put that many miles on your bike. I used to have an old rusty beach cruiser to take my kids to school or ride around the neighborhood. Now that I have a much better bike I may ride a little more and maybe try some sprint triathlons. If I could put just 1000 miles on the bike that would be great. I'm not sure I'll ride 10,000 in my lifetime!

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