A soldier's mom, a barefoot runner, a 9-month baby, and a 7-mile road race


A soldier's mom, a barefoot runner, a 9-month baby,
and a 7-mile road race

The Quad City Times

Lyle Lichty, 65, of Mount Vernon runs bare-foot. He started going shoeless about 15 years ago, and said it alleviated IT band pain. Plus, he said it makes him "feel like a kid again."


No shoes? No problem
Lyle Lichty, 65, of Mount Vernon, said running barefoot makes him "feel like a kid again."

He started running without shoes about 15 years ago because of leg pain he experienced while running. He said the direct contact with the ground made him slow down and think about his form.

"Now if I put on shoes, I feel like I have wood on my feet," he said.

Despite no protection for the soles of his feet, he said he's only once had a run in with something sharp. He stepped on some glass or a small pebble, he said, and a doctor removed it.

"One doctor's bill is less expensive than 15 years of shoes," Lichty said with a laugh.

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A soldier's mom, a barefoot runner, a 9-month baby, and a 7-mile road race | Bix 7
The Quad City Times
For veteran runners, the 7-mile course is like a scavenger hunt. ... Lyle Lichty, 65, of Mount Vernon, said running barefoot makes him "feel like ...

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