What ya got? - Lateral Pain


Feb 17, 2012
So I’m going to post this in the Ask the Docs section as well, but thought I would tap the general consciousness of this forum to see if anyone has any educated or un-educated guesses :)

I went for an easy 9mi on Sunday. My left foot was a touch achy (just along the 5th met. Once I got home and stretched out and sat down, from the base of my heel until just before my 5th met was super sore. Then it turned into a sharp pain when I walk (push off in any capacity…even trying not to push off and just lift). The pain starts on the bottom of my foot and then wraps around the side and stops just before the top of my foot. It doesn't hurt while just sitting, only underload if you will. I’m thinking some sort of tendonitis…I want to say Peroneal, but it seems like that would be “higher” up on the lateral side of the foot.

Any thoughts?
PS: I am really just looking for personal experiences or hunches. I promise I will not take your advice, get hurt more, and then try to sue you due to my own ignorance
I had some soreness in this area after a long run on Labor Day weekend and then walking around the county fair with my kids. I aggravated the area by walking on large gravel and stepping on a large power cord. I was quite worried. Took a couple of days off from running and my next runs were very easy on smooth conditions. It seemed to go away.

You mention a sharp pain. I never had a sharp pain. Don't mean to worry you, Zetti, but proceed with caution. Any pain when you go along the bone with your fingers? Really dig in there and push, then move the bone side to side. Any pain then go get checked out. I'm sure you will get better advice in the ask the Docs.
yeah...it doesn't feel like any "bone pain"....
I cant trigger it by pushing around any bones....diggin into that little cranny just in front of my heel and just before the little bulge where my mets start seems to be the sweet spot or point of origin for the pain
I had peroneal tendonitis from tripping and twisting my ankle, and the pain was quite low on the foot, in a very specific spot, just below the outside ankle bone, and no where else along the tendon.
However, during PT, that spot would always feel better when they would manipulate/massage all along the peroneal tendon.
I wish I had iced more as well; it sure seemed to help.
Oh, and I wish I had rested it a day or two instead of ignoring it and doing like two runs per day until it was unbearable. But you couldn't possibly be as much an idiot as I am.

If indeed your issue is a tendonitis, as the swelling goes down and you're ready to start working on it, I can't say enough about wobble/balance boards. They are fun, can be as challenging as you like, and work small muscles in non repetitive ways. It seemed to strengthen my lower legs and make me less prone to any type of tendon/soft tissue pain. You can incorporate them into strength training, using weights with them, etc.
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