Up-Hill or Incline... Lost the Battle!


Nov 7, 2010
Hey all... just a quick note.. especially for Newbies like me... if you are going to run hills or inclines that are paved... please do some research to learn how to do this!!! Ummm... i never really thought about a paved incline until after my run yesterday! I'm striding smooth and really enjoying my run yesterday but it dawned on me that as i was running... i was going slightly up-hill... hmmm... ok.. no worries... just lean a bit more... keep an eye on my stop watch for the cadence... no biggie... ;) Whew... done with up-hill... now the easy part.... ***worried look*** ... ok this will be easy... OH NO... how in the heck do i keep from going so fast!!! I don't know... dang... ok... i'll concentrate on keeping my cadence at 200spm... don't think that was the answer... :( i got through the run and headed back home... then it hit me... my feet are feeling that run!!! yep... blisters on both feet and a couple hot spots!! GRRRRR... i should have know i forgot something!!

Well, now i just heal for the next couple days and hit the road again but this time... i'm a little wiser! If your a newbie... take it easy on the hills till you find out how to run them without blisters... ;) If anyone knows... please let me know... ;)

Thanks and take care all...

For hills that aren't crazy

For hills that aren't crazy steep and on pavement I use the same technique going up and down, increase my cadence and lean forward. On downhills I just let my legs do whatever they want while trying to keep from over-striding. This usually means crazy cadence after a little while but once you get the hang of it, it really works. Trails, steep hills and other obstacles require a different approach though.
 I'm sorry your hill

I'm sorry your hill experience was so not fun :-(. I obsessed over hills for weeks before I did them. I was convinced I was going to hurt myself. Then I finally did it and had a blast. I think the most helpful thing about going down hills I read (I think on Kenbob's site but I could be wrong) was not to try to slow down. Just keep moving your feet as fast as you needed to and don't brake. So thats what I do. I also find it helpful to laugh, out loud is best and move your arms alot. Keeps people from taking you too seriously :wink:
Thank you guys for the

Thank you guys for the input!! I really appreciate it... i'll give it a shot the next time i run this small course... i'm thinking it will be tomorrow as my feet are still recovering. ;(

Take care,

Dot :)
 fall downhill...catch

fall downhill...catch yourself with your legs ;-)...relax, enjoy the ride! Think of how you used to "run" down a grassy slope when you were a kid, not afraid of falling...be that free!
I love running uphill

I love running uphill barefoot! It's so much harder with shoes because you don't get to "climb" on the front of your foot! Donno. It's just...easier...barefoot. Hard to explain.

But you'll see...you'll be at a race with a bunch of shod folks and they'll be workin it and huffing and puffing but you'll be cruising along no problem...it's great fun once you get it! Just keep practicing! :)
dot, downhills are definitely

dot, downhills are definitely a challenge for a beginning BF/minimal runner. It's more of an "intermediate" level activity. Listen to the advice you're getting here and listen to your body to help figure it out. And don't worry if it takes a while to feel comfortable. It'll come together eventually!
Barefoot Mary wrote:I love

Barefoot Mary said:
I love running uphill barefoot! It's so much harder with shoes because you don't get to "climb" on the front of your foot! Donno. It's just...easier...barefoot. Hard to explain.

But you'll see...you'll be at a race with a bunch of shod folks and they'll be workin it and huffing and puffing but you'll be cruising along no problem...it's great fun once you get it! Just keep practicing! :)

I agree Mary! I also find hills to be not nearly so "daunting" as they seemed to be when shod. Not that I'm complaining! :)
 Uphills are way easier now.

Uphills are way easier now. I like the way you can feel your feet changing how they land to adjust for the incline. It was sort of one of those "wow who knew feet are so smart" moments.

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