Tender sensations on the bottoms of the feet?

to me, it localized like that

to me, it localized like that (chip seal tends to get at the whole foot), you might have stepped on something that perferated your skin (might still be in there)...not all "wounds" will bleed. Or stepped on a small rock without knowing it and gotten a small stone bruise.
I didn't realize it, but the

I didn't realize it, but the road I was thinking was rough asphalt is actually chipseal (looked up images of both!) No wonder I was able to run during the race without an in issue when I can't do it around here.. I do better on the gravel road I live on than in the neighboring sub that is "asphalt" because that is chipseal. I ran there today and had to put my shoes on about 3/4 mile from home, so about 1/2 mile of the chipseal and 1/4 on the way there of gravel. And some of the chipseal part I'd run next to the road in nicely mown lawns.

I had a shorter than planned run in part because of breathing issues too. I will go out again tomorrow, but this time along the main road on the concrete sidewalk... it's a little over 2 miles to the next light if I go away from the main intersection we live near.. so that will work for me.. and be better for my feet, though if they are still tender I'll shoe run (Pure Gloves). Next weekend I think I'll head for Waterloo State Park and hit one of the trails instead of a road!

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