Prop Shoes

Not sure where to post this as it's more a "lifestyle" type thing. I started going barefoot 24/7 on March 1. But since that required going around in public and I worried about getting kicked out of places, I wore NyoShoos []. Unfortunately, those attract a ton of attention to my feet -- last thing I wanted. (The attention was positive, ladies wanted to know where to buy them.)

This weekend, while traveling (airports don't care if you're BF), I hit upon the perfect solution for ladies: I just carry a pair of high heels in my hands and no one questions why I'm BF. Make sure they're high, spiky and match your outfit. It proves that I have shoes, I'm just not wearing them. It's fairly common to see women walking BF carrying their shoes anyway.

Not sure what the solution would be for guys.

Some of you probably think carrying a pair of shoes is a bit much but I'd honestly rather not have to discuss my footwear decisions with anyone -- it's my own damn business and I wish to be left alone about it. My "prop" shoes are my perfect solution so I'm passing it along for like-minded ladies. Given the Texas heat and asphalt parking lots, my days of going BF in public are probably going to come to an end pretty soon anyway (and resume in the fall).

Something funny I've noticed: I'm very welcome walking BF into shoe stores! :)
I have worn my flip-flops in my back pocket when shopping at the mall, long ago.

My friend and I made some foot jewelry similar to that, I think prettier though. ;)

I just stuff a pair of Zems down the back of my pants and put them on if anyone complains. I like your solution for the ladies though!

I went to a wedding last year in horribly uncomfortable dress shoes (only ones I had), and once the dinner was over, I threw them in a corner and danced in my socks all night. When I was leaving to go back to my room, I was carrying the shoes in my hand when a female waitress commented "I don't usually see *guys* walking home carrying their shoes!" to which I replied "Mine are just as uncomfortable as theirs" and strolled on =)

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