People's reactions when you run

My wife is a bit slower than me so when we go for a run together she gets to see other people's reactions. My favourite so far was when I ran past a couple of girls out for a jog. As my wife passed them a few moments later she heard one say to the other "now THAT is hardcore, why aren't you doing that?"
The elderly have the best comments in my opinion, I love them all. Just this past weekend during my run, I was coming up to an older lady walking, she said your feet must be freezing, it was 70 degrees out. Last summer I was running barefoot in the pouring rain, this car slowed down, another old lady, and asked if I was okay and needed a ride home. I said no thank you I am purposely running like this, it gave her a chuckle and off she went.
My last 5k I ran a (there's a blog about it.... ;)) it was 45 and one of the traffic control people said, "aren't your feet freezing, mine are and I'm wearing boots." It was 45f degrees out a prime barefoot running temp if you ask me. The other comment I managed to pick up along the way, "Hey you know you're not wearing shoes, right?" Had I been on my game, I would have stopped dead in my tracks and staged a "freaking out type moment" but because I didn't want to mess with my time, I opted for the "Why yes, I'm very well aware of that....." and kept on running.
A bloke out with his girlfriend obviously thought it would impress her if he started yelping in mock-pain in time with my footfalls as I passed them on IBRD; he didn't seem to realise it made him resemble a spaniel.
I don't see many people running early mornings - 5- 7 AM. Most don't say anything and being it is dark - can' see expressions. One lady stopped to speak - recognizing me as an instructor from a dog training class she attended. Then she noticed I was bf and asked sensible questions about why I ran and how did I get into it - does it hurt etc. and seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say. I saw her with a couple of other folks some weeks later on my run and I heard "Here comes the barefoot runner." Cool!
Tell me you said that to him! Treble points if you did this and got his gfs expression on camera
Sadly not - no camera at the time.

But I did say (in German, originally): it doesn't hurt a bit. Get your shoes off and show me what you're made of..."

No comeback.
I recently ran my leg of the Belfast Marathon Barefoot! I got loads of funny comments. Fortunately I filmed a loads of them using my Mivue cam. :)
it's only 3 mins and the first part is the other guys in the team getting ready, then just a little POV running then the comments come.
check it out below. I hope you enjoy it.
I'm just not even sure how to categorize today's comment. I was walking back through the outside maze of the hotel complex after picking up my race packet and my flip flops were starting to rub. I thought, I really don't need a blister for tomorrow's run, so guiltily removed my footwear in this posh place. Soon after, a lady near my age, who looked like a veteran, hard core runner coming to get her packet was walking by with purpose and said without even slowing down or looking me in the eyes, "Now there's a REAL barefoot runner!" I haven't run a step all day. Do my feet look like I run barefoot??
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A couple years ago a racing bike team went past me in the other direction. One of them yelled out, 'the last person I saw doing that was Abebe Bikila in Athens!' I replied, 'Saw?' and he said, 'Yep, was there!'
I recently ran my leg of the Belfast Marathon Barefoot! I got loads of funny comments. Fortunately I filmed a loads of them using my Mivue cam. :)
it's only 3 mins and the first part is the other guys in the team getting ready, then just a little POV running then the comments come.
check it out below. I hope you enjoy it.

Yes, I did enjoy it and I thank you very much for translating from the Irish
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Willie, the race was run in Rome, not Athens. every bf'r should know this by heart. did you not get your pledge of allegiance with your bf contract?

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