One Day Without Shoes - Tomorrow - April 5th!!!!

Barefoot TJ

Staff member
Mar 5, 2010
I just read about this......I

I just read about this......I don't think they'll want us participating in it. I'm sure everyone here will agree that we'd all rather go without shoes as much as possible. These guys are trying to GET shoes for less fortunate.
Are we really going to

Are we really going to believe these kids are unhappy because they don't have shoes on their feet ? That they will be happy with shoes on their feet ? Something tells me I don't think so. This is a marketing tool to sell some product......... Why in the world would we give poorly designed shoes to a community that has grown without shoes ? Lack of shoes is not the root of the health issues these communities face. Let's be real. How about funding them for clean water, medical services, etc.
The story is so compelling.

The story is so compelling. Shoesless childern living in poverty.

To say the child will be better off with no shoes would be wrong, but we should not be donating our old motion controled shoes and orthotics.

May be huachie kits would be good and the skill of shoe making

It looks like there is a shoe company behind this and the shoes look "sensible"

Hopefully a few people will be enlightened and keep their shoes off and end up here.


To say the child will be better off with no shoes all the time would be wrong. For protection
Recently came back from doing

Recently came back from doing an education project in Africa. This was the first time for me in 25 years. Folks there are amazing and the kids have so much potential. Maybe in the future we could have a Barefoot for Breakfast Day. If kids could get breakfast they are more likely to come to school and learn. Thanks TJ for letting us know about this. Great intent!
I did not care for the slant

I did not care for the slant by the local media on the evening news last night. They interviewed a little girl who said she was from Ethiopia who went on to tell the reporter how difficult and painful it was to get around without shoes.
It's however you want to look

It's however you want to look at it. Some children may need some healthy footwear choices in certain conditions, but of course, we prefer them to be barefoot at all times possible. I struggled for a long time about what to do with the shoes in my closet. I decided to donate them to charity. I figured the person wearing them wouldn't be running in them anyway. And if they are going to seek shoes anyway... It would be nice to have healthy footwear options for them though. My next round of shoe donations will be of the minimalist type. ;-)

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