My guest post about Barefoot Running & VFFs


Jun 5, 2010
Some (or most) of you don't know that I write a health/weight loss/food/exercise blog called

Anyway, I was asked by a good friend of mine, a shod runner, to write a guest post about my experience in Vibram FiveFingers, which turned into more of a barefoot running post.

Check it out! Hope you guys approve:

I want to write about it in a positive, educational, and inspiring way, not a preachy tone, but I'm obviously not a good critiquer of my own writing. All comments/criticisms accepted!
Nice job there Jess.  I

Nice job there Jess. I especially liked the point you made about the shoe not creating the runner. I think this is a sticky point for most runners. Lose the shoes and I believe you will find the true runner inside yourself.