Mileage Reporting week 30 of 2015

5 miles this morning at 4:30 am, 84 deg. f..
Spotted a screech owl on a street sign at mile 1.5 (it was just hangin out).
It was another smooth run for me.
Had to limit myself to spin bike and swimming on Monday, but

Tuesday, I ran 7.1 miles. Seems to be my number lately. :)

Today, I had a granddaughter, but dear husband was willing to take her out for a walk around the ponds while I ran 5.1 miles. She thought it was fun to see me keep going by. There were lots of huge dragonflies hunting in the air just at face level over the path. They would stay hovering until I got fairly close, but always moved. Still, I tried to keep my mouth closed. I've snacked on a few bugs now and then, but a dragonfly would just be too gross! Managed a 20 minute swim at lunch time, too.

I posted a couple of comments in the "people's reactions" thread.
Monday morning I got to 6 miles barefoot. Still felt okay during the run but afterwards I noticed blisters on the third and fourth toes of my right foot. The one on the third toe tore so it stung a bit. The path I took had quite a bit of rough pavement so my soles were a little tender yesterday.
Blisters? stop pushing and lift-just sayin' ;)
Thursday - 12.1 miles running barefoot. Took it easy, ended feeling fairly strong, but tired.
Friday - Fit in 2 miles early, then a couple hours later was taken on a mystery mountain bike ride with dear hubby out in the desert. Oh, the terrain! Very slow most of the time. My upper body is tired, too, from trying to keep balance. Did see a cute cottontail bunny.
Saturday - 4 miles as the sun came up. Getting ready to go out and swim as part of my lunch break right now. Should be quite refreshing.
Well this was my 72 hr week :hungover: including both dayshifts and nightshifts so didn't get as much running as I would like but still made the most out of it. And did plenty of stairs at work throughout the week.

Wednesday I biked 12.3 miles after work. Coming up on a road crossing on the bike path I noticed a fellow jogging up the road. But as I slowed for the intersection there was a car barreling down this gravel road. The poor fella wove his hands in the air and then gestured to the approaching car to slow down. Otherwise I'm sure he would have been pelted with gravel as the car was traveling at near highway speed. Also, there is a stop sign about a 'stones throw' away anyhow, so no reason to be speeding so fast at that point anyhow. The driver, a gal a little older than I, hollered some choice words out the window at the pedestrian she just about injured about how she thinks he should not have his posterior on the road, or something like that. Sad, very sad that there are such inconsiderate people out there, in such a hurry to go nowhere they would put other senselessly at risk. :mad:

Thursday on my only day off, I ran 7.5 miles, mixed in a few miles of speed in the middle at 6 and 7 minute paces.

Saturday did an easy 6.5 mile run before I went in on the nightshift.

Today biked 20 miles before I went in on the nightshift.

So totals for the week... 13.5 mi running / 32.3 mi biking

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