Mileage Reporting Week 29 (July 18 - July 24)


Apr 27, 2013
Denison Tx
5 miles (Running) on Tuesday I am still walking the new rescue dog.
I have to walk him separately he is not allowed to run at this time.
I have bee hearing owls and seeing lots of rabbits.
The moon has been full and a cool color.:happy:
9.5 miles today.
Things started to grind my gears after the sixth comment about the dangers of bf running and glass! Even the village drunk got in on the act bless his cotton socks. Had some 'hardcore', 'that's awesome dude' comments to balance the equation though, so it wasn't all bad.:singing:
Managed a few miles on gravel but the earth beneath it was baked solid, which wasn't very pleasant. I'll stick to the roads until the autumn when the ground gets a bit more forgiving. I've got nothing to prove by causing discomfort, would much rather enjoy myself.
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Trying to get back at it this week after a couple weeks of vacation. An easy 5.5 miles Monday, then 26.4 cycling Tuesday. Did stairs at work both nights as well, but not many, probably 30-50 floors each night. Wednesday bumped my run to my normal 6.4 mile segment I most often do. Thursday stuck to my alternating days and did a ride, 23 miles. Desperately was trying to get some seat time on my newly built bike for a big ride that was today. Friday run I again added a mile, 7.4 miles. I hope to get a long run tomorrow if I can, but it's suppose to be in the 90's and muggy with a heat index of 100. Today was 101.

Today was my first ever group bike ride, did about 64 miles in 3:52. Had a blast despite the crazy heat. At least I was done by noon before it really got crazy. I posted up more on the bike ride and some pics on my post here fwiw

Also had to update my avatar, still had a winter one! From my hike in the mountains last week.
So I did a long run today. It had been a month since I had done any double digit mileage. And I have an 18 mile race 5 weeks from now (plus a marathon in October). I've got a feeling I won't be trained up well for either.
Today was the kind of day you have to drag yourself out for a run. When I got back the NWS was saying 92F for my zip code with a heat index of 101 and 73 for the dew point. My thermometer at home only recorded up to 87 while I was gone. But the humidity was the issue, I sweat more than I had yet this year, and that is without a shirt on either. Boy did the deerflies like me. I know I could have avoiding some by wearing a shirt but many were on the arms, shoulders, and neck and wouldn't have been covered by the shirt. I walked a few times because it was so hot, and also because I hadn't done a long run in a long while, maybe a half mile or so of the 12.5 miles was walking. Felt good to get a long run in, but wasn't exactly a pleasant kind of run.

So that brings my weekly total to 32 miles on foot, 113 miles on pedals.
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[...]Things started to grind my gears after the sixth comment about the dangers of bf running and glass! Even the village drunk got in on the act bless his cotton socks. Had some 'hardcore', 'that's awesome dude' comments to balance the equation though, so it wasn't all bad.:singing:

On the last weeks I've found myself going through some small pieces of broken glass —mainly from car windows but also from beer bottles. Guess what? Nothing happened. You just need to be a bit more careful, that's all, but try to explain this to someone who doesn't even want to try barefoot running.

This morning I went for the only run of this week so far, so it's 6.2 km for me.
