Mileage Reporting Week 19 (May 8-May 14)


Apr 27, 2013
Denison Tx
4 mile run Tuesday. big ole moon, 1 lightning bug.
5 mile run at 4:30 am Today, mostly cloudy but did spot the moon and 1 lightning bug (don't know why I am only spotting 1?)
nice flow on both runs so far this week!
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3 mile run Tuesday and great 5 mile run yesterday, Saturday. Had a stomach virus last weekend but recovered fairly quick. I basically laid off running for one week due to it. But interestingly was a great break for my foot pads to fully recover. I felt like I could have kept running all day long yesterday. May 23 will mark my 6 month anniversary of running barefoot. I absolutely love it. Mostly because "YOU CAN'T FAKE IT".
Most excellent 6.75 mile run Sunday at 5:00 am.
Clear skies, moon was bright, stars and Venus.
spotted a night hawk (probably feeding on moths) doing a flight pattern at about mile 5.
Almost home I saw a red tail hawk fly into a cottonwood tree so I took a detour to check it out, then I spotted another night hawk.