Mileage Reporting Week 16 of 2015

Another most excellent 10 mile run at 5:30 am.
Started out dark with stars. (did not spot the moon).
Ended just passed sun up.
Saw ducks, rabbits large egret flying, cedar wax wings and many other birds.
heard some parrots (did not spot them).
The weather was great.
Feet good, legs good.
Last run of the week for me. Total miles 24.
Next Sunday I will run the lone star 1/2 marathon (in Arlington Texas) if all goes well.
Today's long run: Earth Day Challenge 1/2 marathon. Ran this one with Yvonne, and instead of racing just ran at her pace. First time at this mileage in many months, and I wanted to race my next 1/2 that's just in 2 more weeks so I treated this one just as a long run. She was still recovering from being a bit under the weather herself, and this was officially my first barefoot race that featured significant gravel. Well significant to me at least... nearly a mile of it. It wasn't really bad, and I started off just running through it, but hoped it ended soon. After 1/2 mile I was getting a bit worried, and when there was still no end in sight I went off the side into the grass when available. Then things improved (not really) on some rough roads, maybe chip seal (wasnt quite sure) but plenty abrasive and lots of bits and pieces. This was the 4 mile loop through town. Then the course turned onto the Kokosing Gap Trail which we have run many times. I think my feet were still a bit soft from winter, and that race was right at my limit. They have been really sensitive the rest of the day. Of course all the work I did around my gravel driveway yesterday perhaps had me starting out the race with already worn down feet.

There was a pretty good hill in this one too which I am not used too, but still pulled off an AHR of 144 so right about MAF. On the flats I was doing 141ish mostly.

I am a bit worried I might not be in as good of shape as I hoped to race my next one though. We'll see how I bounce back after this, but I doubt I'll be pulling any kind of PR (and probably shouldn't even try).

So that brings the week totals too:
Running ~ 30mi
Biking ~ 46mi
maybe 60-80 flights of stairs
some lawn & garden work
Tristan, to close the loop, my foot felt good enough today, Monday, to go on a 5.5 mile run. So the cycle will begin again, I'm sure. After the run, I soaked my feet in cool water for a few minutes and tried to be conscientious about flexing my feet throughout the day to reduce stiffness. My soles are tingly (typical) after a run since part of the route has a really rough section.
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