Mileage Reporting 42nd week of 2012

4 miles this morning--it was almost too warm for me at 54 degrees and damp. Could have gone for 50 n dry. Was goign to finish up with strength training, but decided today I was going to make impossibly decadent big breakfast for the kids instead (fruit, enormous quantities of eggs with garlic, greens, tomato, pepper, shrooms, and yes, pancakes w maple syrup----very not thinking about carbs lately. oh well)
This thread is epically devoid of mileage. I should start posting again.

Noob question do I have to be barefoot for it to count.
They were doing pretty well sticking to the script until I showed up about two months ago. Or at least that's how I see it.

I think BF is the default. If you run shod, make a note of what kind of footwear you were using. You should ask Scedastic though, she seems to the leader among equals here.And now we've opened it up to general workouts, which is good, cuz I've been laid up for almost two weeks, nothing to do except walk (bf) and do weights. Will probably try a run this Friday and see how the knee's doing . . . I'm getting sick of icing it all day.
They were doing pretty well sticking to the script until I showed up about two months ago. Or at least that's how I see it.

I think BF is the default. If you run shod, make a note of what kind of footwear you were using. You should ask Scedastic though, she seems to the leader among equals here.And now we've opened it up to general workouts, which is good, cuz I've been laid up for almost two weeks, nothing to do except walk (bf) and do weights. Will probably try a run this Friday and see how the knee's doing . . . I'm getting sick of icing it all day.

Crap shhh but I don't run barefoot anymore... I feel for you injuries suck, good thing you like to lift weights.
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Crap shhh but I don't run barefoot anymore... I feel for you injuries suck, good thing you like to lift weights.
Hey a lot of people post here who run at least sometimes in sandals or minshoes, no big deal. And now with winter coming, there'll be more of it.

But yeah, I've been purposely overtraining the weights while I wait for the knee-tweak to pass, doing weights three days in a row and then just one day of rest before I repeat my sequence of front/back/top. I think over-training can be beneficial in small doses. More stimulus to adapt to, as long as recovery time or a return to a normal schedule isn't too far away.
Monday 45 mins BF run
Tuesday 7 min run, 30 min hill repeats, 8 min run
Today I was going to do a recovery run due to the hill repeats from yesterday but I don't know what happened, I felt so good that I run almost 6 BF mi in 45 mins(5.8 mi) :)
I feel like a new runner with the runners high...;)
Monday 45 mins BF run
Tuesday 7 min run, 30 min hill repeats, 8 min run
Today I was going to do a recovery run due to the hill repeats from yesterday but I don't know what happened, I felt so good that I run almost 6 BF mi in 45 mins(5.8 mi) :)
I feel like a new runner with the runners high...;)
Back in the game Dama! Awesome progress from your surgery.
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Monday 45 mins BF run
Tuesday 7 min run, 30 min hill repeats, 8 min run
Today I was going to do a recovery run due to the hill repeats from yesterday but I don't know what happened, I felt so good that I run almost 6 BF mi in 45 mins(5.8 mi) :)
I feel like a new runner with the runners high...;)

Awesome!!! Hill repeats are like steroids, but legal.
Back in the game Dama! Awesome progress from your surgery.

Thanks Lee, I am really surprise myself of how well I am making progress if I could just bring my long run to the 2.5/3:00 hr mark. But all in due time, no need to rush things.
Thanks Lee, I am really surprise myself of how well I am making progress if I could just bring my long run to the 2.5/3:00 hr mark. But all in due time, no need to rush things.
Patience is hard. I almost went for a short run yesterday, but I'm holding off till Friday. The pain is almost completely gone, but there's still a little something there. Will do the kids pick-up again today with stroller, 2.2 miles barefoot walking. If I don't feel anything in the knee after that, I'll give myself the green light for a one-mile run on Friday. I gave my rower to my dad, who's badly in need of something to supplement his daily walks, so I've made myself totally reliant on runs for my aerobic work, so I hope I can get back to it soon. Lately I've been noticing I'm much more sensitive to caffeine. I wonder if the absence of aerobic work is to blame . . .
1.7 miles in my pacer sandals. So here I was minding my own business, did a quarter mile walk at the start(I don't count the walk in my mileage), half mile easy warm up(11m pace), then was a little over a quarter of a mile in going downhill at a 6m pace when I came up to a section of sidewalk that was completely covered in leaves. I was really fighting to keep the stroller straight today (stinking cool weather messed with the inflation of the tires, which then messed with the alignment) so I wasn't worried too much about the leaves. I ended up finding an acorn under the leaves, it hit dead center under my foot, thankfully I had the sandals on, unthankfully at that pace I went sliding (the acorn acted as a ball bearing under the foot rolling while I skidded out of control). I got control as soon as the sandal caught solid ground again and was completely off the acorn but had slightly tweaked my knee that already had a slight niggle (thanks Lee for that great terminology). I almost lost the stroller from my grasp during this and I had visions of it rolling out into the street which caused me to grip tighter and I didn't care if I tipped it over, I was not going to let it get out into the street. My son was secured in a 5 point harness so I know he probably wouldn't have gotten too hurt by the stroller tipping over. I stopped immediately once I had gotten back in control and checked my knee out. It seemed fine for walking so I turned around and started walking back home. After about 50 feet I noticed I didn't have any pain anymore in it so I slow jogged the rest of the way back home. Now here I sit with an icepack on the knee praying I didn't do any damage to the knee. The knee didn't look swollen or anything but I wanted to be proactive in case it does swell.
Patience is hard. I almost went for a short run yesterday, but I'm holding off till Friday. The pain is almost completely gone, but there's still a little something there. Will do the kids pick-up again today with stroller, 2.2 miles barefoot walking. If I don't feel anything in the knee after that, I'll give myself the green light for a one-mile run on Friday. I gave my rower to my dad, who's badly in need of something to supplement his daily walks, so I've made myself totally reliant on runs for my aerobic work, so I hope I can get back to it soon. Lately I've been noticing I'm much more sensitive to caffeine. I wonder if the absence of aerobic work is to blame . . .

Good to know that you're restraing yourself, you don't want to go back to square one.
Glad to hear yout knee is getting better.
Now here I sit with an icepack on the knee praying I didn't do any damage to the knee. The knee didn't look swollen or anything but I wanted to be proactive in case it does swell.

Keep an eye on that knee Nick and hopefully the icing will take care of things.
Good to know that you're restraing yourself, you don't want to go back to square one.
Glad to hear yout knee is getting better.
Hey, if you could have a look at the photos I posted in last week's mileage reporting, I'd appreciate hearing any further ideas you may have about what happened or what ligament or tendon got strained. I tried to draw a dark circle on the spot where it's most painful to the touch.
Keep an eye on that knee Nick and hopefully the icing will take care of things.
Will do Dama. Man I was really feeling good to just prior to this happening. If I wasn't fighting with the stroller I am pretty sure I would have been able to get down to a 5 min pace... On my speed days I like to see how long I can push a pace, which since getting fat isn't very long. I am pretty sure I could have held that 6 m pace for close to a mile today, I was feeling that good. Oh well, I guess at least I didn't lose the stroller and end up with my son rolling out into the road in front of traffic. Man that scared me so bad. When sliding my hand started to come out of the leash thing that my hand was tethered to. I think my heart stopped for just a little bit despite being in the middle of a fast run.
Hey, if you could have a look at the photos I posted in last week's mileage reporting, I'd appreciate hearing any further ideas you may have about what happened or what ligament or tendon got strained. I tried to draw a dark circle on the spot where it's most painful to the touch.

I did look at your hairy legs but I rally have no clue as I have no medical training.
Have you ask the Doc's in here?
One thing I can tell you is that I don't think the injury is RR but more to do with your agressive weight training(maybe not agressive but I saw your schedule and it looks like a lot).
But like I said before I know squat.
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Will do Dama. Man I was really feeling good to just prior to this happening. If I wasn't fighting with the stroller I am pretty sure I would have been able to get down to a 5 min pace... On my speed days I like to see how long I can push a pace, which since getting fat isn't very long. I am pretty sure I could have held that 6 m pace for close to a mile today, I was feeling that good. Oh well, I guess at least I didn't lose the stroller and end up with my son rolling out into the road in front of traffic. Man that scared me so bad. When sliding my hand started to come out of the leash thing that my hand was tethered to. I think my heart stopped for just a little bit despite being in the middle of a fast run.

That sounds scary, I am glad nothing major happened specially when your child is involved.
Sounds like you were cruising along at a very good speed.
I keep telling myself that I should do some speed workouts but I just don't like that type of workouts.
Too old for that
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Okay, after a tutoring/problem solving session with my husband on Google Earth, I am happy to report that I ran 8.15 miles (he says count on GE being off + or - 5%) And that without my whole big toe nail on the left foot! ha ha ha
I am VERY happy with this mileage. Didn't know it was so far. PLUS it means I managed an average 9:35minute/mile even though I had to significantly slow down a 2-3 times for a length of gravel/chip seal and to take 3 burrs out of my feet. :D I might have to blog about it. :)

Nice! toes are overated :D

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