Mileage Reporting 3rd Week of 2013

Lots of stair climbing today and some upper body ST.
Feel great! wobbly but great!
Finally! Did 3.69mi in 40:06. The hardest part was not to take the longer route (my normal "bang one out real quick" route is ~4.3 mi or so). But discretion, being the better part of valour and all, won and I chose not to possibly overdo and risk re-injury on my first time out.
What a lazy day. Started out at a cafe, w/ a bit of study, then a ridiculously dense brunch (a sausage scrambler that was like 99% sausage, but it was some fancy schmancy gourmet local sausage, so that makes it okay, right? right? )
I tried to go running on campus, but after a mile or so, knew it wasn't working out. Nothing in particular: just wasn't feeling like running, so I turned back, for about 2.4 mi total. Blech.
Got home late in the afternoon and PASSED OUT for 2 hours plus. Maybe I'm fighting cooties or something (malaisiness). The mere thought of running tomorrow is currently untenable. Sit ups? Horrible. ST? Fooey on strength. Up with malaisiness!
May things change by the morning.
What a lazy day. Started out at a cafe, w/ a bit of study, then a ridiculously dense brunch (a sausage scrambler that was like 99% sausage, but it was some fancy schmancy gourmet local sausage, so that makes it okay, right? right? )
I tried to go running on campus, but after a mile or so, knew it wasn't working out. Nothing in particular: just wasn't feeling like running, so I turned back, for about 2.4 mi total. Blech.
Got home late in the afternoon and PASSED OUT for 2 hours plus. Maybe I'm fighting cooties or something (malaisiness). The mere thought of running tomorrow is currently untenable. Sit ups? Horrible. ST? Fooey on strength. Up with malaisiness!
May things change by the morning.

Well - on the large scale, eating sausage that is locally made is most likely healthier, if they don't use too much crap as filler and whatnot. I mean -it's still not as healthy as eating a salad, but everything's relative.

As for the workout - I get that way to. A case of the "I don't wanna's" can easily override vanity and guilt on any given day. Sometimes it only takes a day or so for that to shake out.

Malasiness, indeed :)
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Sitting for hours in the lodge today really let my legs stiffen up after yesterday's treadmill run, but
this evening I was able to ride the spinning bike with my husband for an hour. He tuned it up for me this weekend, which somehow made it give me a better workout. Can't exactly put my finger on it other than the tension was working better. Followed that with some arm work with the TRX.
5 mi / 8 km running
6 mi / 9.7 km total
28 F, 21 F / -6 C windchill

Headed out in my Moc3s and smartwool socks after warming up. After 1.3 miles I got to my stretching pillar in the fairgrounds and did my standard stretches: hammie & calf stretch with leg up on top of the pillar, about shoulder-high, pulling back on foot; quad stretch using the pillar for support; piriformis stretch bending over holding onto the pillar while moving my butt side to side; and ITB stretch touching the ground with my legs crossed over.

Then I took off my shoes and did the first 1.74-mile loop bare. About halfway through I had to run through a section where snow machines were blowing onto an empty lot in anticipation for the Winter Carnival snow sculpture contest. That part of the street was moist and just about did in my feet. The tips of my middle toes felt a bit painful, but they were nice and red so I decided to continue and finish the loop. Once I got back to the stretching pillar I sat down on a low brick wall and put my socks and shoes back on. My feet had numbed up a bit, but not too much. If I hadn't been recovering from frostnip I would've done the second loop bare too, but in a typical case of synchronicity, the phrase "discretion is the better part of valour" entered my head too and I thought it best to cover up and see how the feet had done when I got home.

I did a quick set of stretches again and then set out on my second loop. Once back in footwear and warm socks, my feet regained full warmth by the end of the second loop, with no tingling or pain or anything, so that was a relief. Today my feet feel fine so I guess I'm OK to run bare again in sub-freezing temps in mostly dry conditions. My pace on the loop was just over 9mm, which turned out to be the run's overall pace too. As my running becomes more consistent again, 9mm pace is starting to become the new normal. And that's my threshold for feeling like my form is reasonable.

But at closer to 8mm pace my gait feels even better, so on the second loop I decided to do fartleks with walking breaks, since it was ok to walk a bit now that my feet were covered. I averaged a 8:25 mm pace on these. This pace is still beyond my aerobic capacities, so I broke up the run into roughly half-mile-long chunks, including the last bit out of the fairgrounds to my daughter's school, with 100-to-200-yard-long walks in between. Once at the school I picked up my daughter and walked the final .6 mile home with her on my shoulders.

I didn't feel any sign of ITB strain, so perhaps the micro run the day before helped keep my ITB loose. I'll probably try another quick run around the block today after my lower-body ST workout.

Overall I was quite pleased with the run--no strains, decent distance, 'comfortably hard' paces, and a stretch of bare running. It's the first time I've felt completely satisfied with a run in a while. I'll try about the same distance and route on my run tomorrow, holding steady at around five miles of running through this week and then try six miles or so on next week's runs.
3.5 this morning. 14 degrees on the thermometer and I managed to overdress---had to ditch a layer a mile in. Maybe it was the combo of smartwool socks and moc3s that were making my feet too warm. Or the still wind. Or maybe I'm just smokin' (unlikely---no garmin but pace felt slowish).
No time for ST this morning, but I"m trying to talk myself into swimming at lunchtime. Tried flailing for 8-9 laps the other night while my daughter was at swim class. Gotta figure this out or wait for her to get better and hire her as a coach at the age of 9.
8.02 miles yesterday, between 8.5 and 9.5 minute pace.
It was a beautiful day, cold but blue skies and a winter sun. I passed a runner on the road who must have been in his 90's. I saw him coming so i slowed down a little, so I wouldn't discourage him, and low and behold the old coot clocked me and increased his pace to show that he could still kick butt. We passed with a nod, made a connection and smiled, he slowed down and i sped up.
Felt the memory of Rags a German Shepherd that put up with me for thirteen years but passed over a few years back, we ran together for a few miles then she muzzled my hand and we took off on different paths.
My run took me up to the top of Liddington Hill, the site of a late bronze age fortification and the highest point in Wiltshire, my home county.
It was my Fartlek and hills day, I did plenty of farts, and I always thought the Lek was some kind of Eastern European currency but atleast I've got the farting part down.
All in all it was a good day.
Were you on actual stairs or on a stairclimber? Do they even have those anymore? Or is that just too 90's?

I do the real thing, real stairs. There are some stairclimbing machines avaliable but I much prefer the the real deal I feel like I get more of a workout.
The mere thought of running tomorrow is currently untenable. Sit ups? Horrible. ST? Fooey on strength. Up with malaisiness!
May things change by the morning.

The only solution I see for this is rest, rest, rest. Did I mention REST?
The world is not going to end if you skip a run, or two maybe three?
5 mi / 8 km running
6 mi / 9.7 km total
28 F, 21 F / -6 C windchill

Headed out in my Moc3s and smartwool socks after warming up. After 1.3 miles I got to my stretching pillar in the fairgrounds and did my standard stretches: hammie & calf stretch with leg up on top of the pillar, about shoulder-high; quad stretch using the pillar for support; piriformis stretch bending over holding onto the pillar while moving my butt side to side; and ITB stretch touching the ground with my legs crossed over.

I admire your discipline. Stopping to stretch during the runs if I were doing that myself it will take the joy of running for me and I'll be in coocooland by now. :eek:
But if it's working for you, well keep it up!
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I do the real thing, real stairs. There are some stairclimbing machines avaliable but I much prefer the the real deal I feel like I get more of a workout.

luckily i have an office on the 5th floor, so i can either go up and down for a workout, or just make sure to use the stairs a lot during the day.
where do you find your stairs; you're on a university campus, right?
I did TRX for a bit last year - that stuff is harsh! Got a helluva workout, tho...
ha ha ha You were probably being more intense than I was. I don't really notice a difference from my normal weight routine. I like the convenience of being able to do it at home without a rack of everything!
luckily i have an office on the 5th floor, so i can either go up and down for a workout, or just make sure to use the stairs a lot during the day.
where do you find your stairs; you're on a university campus, right?

Yea, I go to the fieldhouse to workout and there are six flight of stairs to go up and down.
There are also four parking ramps around the hospital and one just righ outside the field house that is I think seven flights and that one is much tougher than the one in the fieldhouse as it's very steep.
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