[May 6, 2012] MA/BOSTON - IBRD BOSTON Event (Rose Kennedy Greenway,)


May 14, 2010
For details, please go to the following website:
This event is part of: Borgess Run for the Health of It
Further Info: http://borgessrun.com/registration: https://www.signmeup.com/site/reg/register.aspx?fid=8V2VRJ7

There is a big expo on May 5th at the Radisson Plaza downtown Kalamazoo where you can find packet pickup. If you are coming in on race day there is packet pickup between 6 and 7 AM at the race site (Gull Rd and Nazareth).

Hotel rooms may get scarce closer to race day (this is a pretty big event). My recommendations is to use Google to find hotels near I-94 and Sprinkle Rd (probably the easiest route to the race site and I think cheaper lodging) or look near I-94 and 9th street (longest distance from the race) or US 131 and Stadium Drive (almost as far as 9th, but might have a cheaper room near here).

Rose Kennedy Greenway, Wharf District Parks (Milk St & Atlantic Ave) Downtown Boston, Boston, MA (please see link at right)

Contact: Curtis, Preston
Email: [email protected]