Insulated hand held water bottles?


Sep 3, 2011
Does anyone have any experience with insulated water bottles, I want a hand held that will keep water chilled.
Do they work well in hot conditions? and if so any recommendations as to which one to go for.
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I run with one I bought between 5 to 10 years ago. It is an Ultimate water bottle with a kickback valve. In 30+C weather, it takes an additional 30min for a solid bottle of ice to fully melt. Without the insulation, it takes only 30min for all the ice to fully melt. One thing I have noticed is that my fingers get wrinkled as if I have been doing dishes or swimming for a long time. As for balance, I used to switch hands every 30min, but now just run with it in my left hand. Most people who are right handed are weaker on their left side, so I figure that will just help to balance that out anyway. Also, for proper balance, the road would have to be completely flat.
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I was wondering about balance, because I see people who run with music players in their hands, who have asymmetrical arm swing. To account for the camber of the road, I try to retrace my steps when I run a loop.
No recommendations, but a question since we are on the topic. Is it helpful to have one in each hand for proper balance?

I've only ever used one and switch hands with it, for long distances i use a camelback.
I've noticed with a hand held the ambient temp doesn't have to be that high before the water tastes like warm barf due to generated body heat.

I also rest the bottle on top of my forearm with the nozzle pointing outwards that way its closer to my centre of gravity. It also means i don't have to grip the bottle, but i think this technique will only work with certain shape bottles, i use a camelbak podium.
The newest model Camelbak insulated bottle keeps the water cold longer than the older Camelbak model or the the Polar brand as I have all 3 for bike riding...and I like 2 bottles one in each hand for running if I'm doing a long trail run that I can refill the bottles. The better newer Camelbak bottle I fill with ice then cold water and it can last an hour or a bit more even up into the 90'sF before it warms up.
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