Bunion night splints

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It's just a little piece on a conference about the evolutionary history of hominid teeth.

Thanks SillyC.
Been doing some running and thinking...

For many years, my arches were fairly weak, likely due to inactivity and obesity. Started barefoot running and lost weight. Noticed over the last two years that my arches have been getting stronger, and toes are spread out more. Noticed bunions improving as as well, in conjunction with regular use of bunion devices.

So here's what I'm thinking. Inactivity, shod running, obesity, etc, exacerbated my flat feet, which possibly led to more pronation, which increased the risk of bunions, promoted by ill-fitting shoes.

Weight loss and barefoot running has strengthened my arches and seems to have helped reverse the process somewhat. All of this won't apply to everyone with bunions, but might be a factor for some. Any thoughts?